
Nerd Note: 10 years ago at Wrestlemania 18 vs Hulk Hogan when WWE was in Toronto Canada. Now 10 years later another Once in a Lifetime Match happens speaking of Mania
Lets get to the Wrestlemania talk right here:
Rock vs Cena: Even though it would make sense just to do a rematch and let Rock win the first match cause of his hometown. It wont happen that way because WWE Creative doesnt think like that, they think i dont really know how they think it just not normal. So baiscally I am saying that Cena shouldnt win because 2 reason off the top of my head The Rock is 10x's the wrestler Cena is on any given night. Also it's The Rock's hometown so unless you want to get Cena heel heat I wouldnt make him win. I dont care if people will cheer because of the good match still people will boo him because of where they are. Also HHH will lose at Mania because if he doesnt then numerous people will stop even flipping on WWE programing by accident. People will miss the show on purpose because of the bullcrap way they ended the streak and many members of the IWC will be bashing Vince, Hunter, HBK, & Taker for the match. To quote Hunter "it would be bad for business if HHH wins at Mania because he shouldnt be the one who ends the streak in my opinion nobody should end the streak. Last thing Punk vs Jericho this match will steal the show there are no two better wrestlers in the WWE today that can top the in ring skill of these two guys. Rock vs Cena may have sold the tickets but Punk vs Jericho will sell the DVD's.

**Heads up keep an eye out for my last bits of Mania hype going towards the show on Sunday April 1 & remember it has a special 7pm start time.
Wrestlemania: Pin Points (more in depth discussion of specific matches)
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