Rework & Rewrite

Bret Hart's WCW run is what I am Reduing today see if you agree with what i think should have happend

In November 1997 rumors began to circulate that after Survivor Series Bret would leave WWF with the World title and do what he wants with it. Long story short Vince would do anything to keep that from happening and he did because at Survivor Series on PPV. Vince & Shawn Michaels did the most infamous angle ever they screwed Bret out of the title by ringing the bell to end the match even though bret didnt tap. Now gone from WWF he is a free agent and it didnt take long for WCW to snach him up and made him one of the many marque name apart of that company.
Right from the start I would change when he came in even though he would not be in the main event they couldnt really tell us that at that point all the matches were set in stone. You really take it to WWF by making Hart debut the next day on Nitro cutting a shoot on Vince, Shawn, & WWF. This will lead to Flair coming out and saying "that he should have more respect for the business and not do such a thing. In my day if had a problem with the person your working for you go right up to him and tell you dont go on TV and bash him like that." Bret would then say "It's different time Ric & respect in this era takes a backset to being the best just ask Michael Hickenbottom." Flair says, "Hold on your the guy who thinks he is the best their is the best there was and best there ever will be, right" Hart says "Yes." "You think your better then the limosine riding, jet flying, kiss stealin, wheelin dealin son of a gun Naicha Boy Ric Flair" You better check yourself son you arent in Conetticut anymore. So take your little dog and run away cause this is where the big dogs play and you belong here WOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Later in the show Flair caught in an altercation with World War 3 opponent Curt Hennig & once they are done arguing; Hart comes through the crowd and attacks Nature boy & says I belong here and I will prove it. Hart then looks on the stage and sees Henning smiling down at the ring this makes the speculation start is Hart apart of the NWO. Hart is seen leaving the arena in a black limo as he is leaving Gene tries to get a word nothing. Next Week Flair wants Bret to face him like a man but Hitman has yet to arrive at the arena but Ric is waiting in the parking lot until he does. While he is in the parking lot, bret finds his way into the arena from the crowd he comes over the rail into the ring with a mic and says i need to explain myself. Its obvious people think i am in the NWO but I am not that stable has to many egos to begin with why should I add to it. My problem is with... New World Order for life here comes Henning & Adams they say dont be so quick to jump to conclusions Hart. They go back an forth Adams challenges hart to a match at WW3. Hart accepts and ends that but not really as Bret is going backstage Flair comes out of nowhere and attacks things continue to get interesting in this feud. Next week hype for Adams vs Bret at WW3 on Sunday with a tag match NWO vs Bret & Niedhart, Hart wins off the distraction from Flair who had Henning's US belt with him. World War 3 Adams vs Hart happends mid way through takes up a good 7 minutes & sees Bret winning the match clean over Brian. In the hype to the obvisous match between Flair & Hart going towards Starcade I first make the match the night after WW3 because the tension between the two in explosive. Also will boil over that night because Flair and Hart will team vs the NWO (Nash & Konnan) in the main event. The fans can see the tension between Flair & Bret before the match could end they go after each other because Ric knocked Bret off the apron accidently but Bret does believe it so they go at it. To end the show the fans see Ric & Bret being held back by security & thats when the match is made by JJ Dillon. Over the next 2 weeks leading into Starcade Hart & Flair go through pick you poison matches one week & a tag match the next leading to a faceoff the week before Starrcade. Then there match at Starcade which is consider below the main event Sting vs Hogan because of the hype behinde that but still they help the show leaps and bounds making up for the bad ending of Hogan vs Sting. Flair wins at Starcade because its his ppv & Bret is new so he has pay some dues cant expect to win right away. This leads to a match between them at Sold Out another great match this time is the main event. The buys jump for the ppv drasticly & then the end of the feud since its tied 1-1 they have to have one last match this time Submission Sharpshooter vs Figure 4. Leading to Superbrawl we see can you top this when it comes to whos finisher is better then we arrive at the ppv Flair & Hart have promos leading to another main event match. This time its a half hour of action and one of the best matches fans have seen in recent memory. Hart wins the match and the feud after the match the shake hands & embrace showing the respect they have for each other. For the next 2 months Bret goes down in the card to see if he can pull up a young talent he starts with Dean Malenko. But runs into problems with lack of charisma from Dean so it limits what they can do they have really good matches nothing like he had with Ric though.


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