Scouting Report

Rob Van Dam

good in ring
average on mic

Best Possible Feuds: Angle, Roode, Punk, Jericho, Gabriel, Cole

Rob debuted back in 1996 for ECW that not being his first stop in a national company his first run was as a jobber in WCW. But he left because of booking changes & went to ECW a couple of years later and in ECW his star began to form. First in a feud with top guy Sabu over a matter of respect this lead to a stretcher match between the two which Sabu won. Then the two became a tag team and probably the most hated people in ECW because of their association with the WWF and Jerry Lawler. Also in ECW he became tag champion twice with Sabu & became the longest reigning TV champion in the history of ECW holding the belt 23 months before having to vacate it because of injury. During his reign he began his feud with Jerry Lynn a feud that saw some of the best matches in ECW history take place. Those matches also closed out the last ppv & their first show on national TV. After ECW went under he like many went to the WWF but unlike many from ECW that went he was actually returning to a place he's been before. In July 2001 RVD & other ECW alumni joined the together to form a group in the invasion that was going on. But by the end of the show ECW & WCW merged & the together tried to end WWF. During this time also he began a feud with the Hardy boys specifically Jeff as they fought many times over the Hardcore title. During this time also RVD got wins over Rock, Angle, & Austin but didnt win a world title and couldnt lead the Alliance. Survivor Series 2001 RVD is the Alliance team that loses against Team WWE which means the Alliance has to disband & the Invasion is over. Over the next couple of months RVD was kind of lost in the shuffle in WWF mostly hovering around the high mid-card or low-Main event level. He also went on to win the IC belt on 3 separate occasions over about a 1 year period & having great matches with Jeff (again) & Eddie. Then for 8 months after that he teamed with Kane winning the tag titles once but also competing in the first Elimination Chamber at Survivor Series. Then from 2003-2005 RVD was a Mid-Card guy winning the IC title 1 more time & won the tag title 2 times once with Booker, T & other time with Rey Mysterio. In 2006 for at least 6 months of it RVD was finally a top guy winning the world title at One Night Stand from John Cena. Even he didnt hold for a long time he still reached the top of the mountain also can add even if it was 4 years overdue. WWE relased him in 2007 after being their for 6 & 1/2 years he left to care for his wife who was diagnosed with Cancer. Rob didnt wrestler for a major US wrestling company until 2010 when he joined TNA & within a couple of months won the World title.
Since then he really hasnt done much which is disappointing cause I feel they could do more with a talent like RVD. I think he is past his prime and may not have much longer in his career to go back to WWE for one more run which i think every RVD fan want to see because he made it big in WWE so he should end their. Also if WWE makes merchandise for him at least he knows it will be RVD & not RDV. Finally just want to say Rob is good enough in the ring that he can teach the young talent how to work good but he can only do that if given the opportunity to do so.


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