Wrestlemania Hype: The Rap

To John Cena & Management

               That promo we saw on raw was good but, the rock’s are always great no matter how long he’s gone he can out due you in the ring on the mic at any time on any date.
                Now I don’t mean to hate, cause I used to be fan & thought you were the man until you dropped the gimmick that made you famous, soon enough I realized Vince was your only fan.
                People think you’re the best cause of management’s portrayal but, any thought of you being the best that would make me whale
                Never turn heel will seal your fate that they’ll always be hate, you can wait to see if it goes away but I am here to say it’s here to stay
                You say your time is now but that’s not true the only thing that’s now is your gimmick because it’s so past due that people ask why you weren’t in the Marine 2 well its because a gimmick change is 12 years overdue
                You and the Lebron James have something in common your presence aint needed for the fans to go home happy why to do you follow the Michael Jackson song and go ahead and beat it!!!!!!!!
                Now some may not get this but that’s ok. You think Dwayne’s sucka you may think you’ll beat him at mania but this time John you’re the stupid motherf****
You may get why I am doin this but don’t worry I’ll enlighten you John, aint for a fight wit you I just wanna see the right you. The one here for all the fans not just the one here for some it’s like you tell the rest us, well you don’t like me f*** you then. I don’t hate you John I hate the idea you’re the best and above the rest that aint true its far from it, they make you out to be something your not I respect you john for all you do but the writers make you out to be someone your not you have the power to reject it don’t be a bitch John grow a pair an say it.
This aint you john go out there and prove it they want the hate the stop and for you to get the pop you once did. Well get rid of the crap they overdid, go back and reuse what brought you to the dance even though doin that may make some people s*** in their pants
            They want us all to forget the hate and embrace to love well I hate to disappoint but Cena is in for a wicked twist of fate because everyone in Miami has already embraced hate


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