Rework n Rebook

Since I thought that keeping with the Creative has nothing for you stuff was a little to opinionative for the site so thats gone and this is in its place. In this post i will be Reworking/Rebooking specifice times, storylines, wrestlers, promotions, etc in the way that may have worked better. Starting with a simple time 1997 and a place that was once the measuring stick of pro-wrestling that company from the ATL better known as WCW. For all of 1996 & 97 the NWO dominated WCW like nobody has ever seen before but also during that time people started to see a darker side of Sting this lead to rumors of why sting is silent. Answers started to come when Sting began attacking the NWO. The hunt began for Sting to take down the NWO & Hogan from the top of the moutain and it looked like they were going to  do it. A little side note many say that if WCW would have done this match right they would be the one who put WWE out of business but it didnt work something went wrong. The thing that went wrong is they made Sting look human instead acting like a superhero there to save the people and WCW from the NWO. Instead he looked like just another guy as Hogan pinned him got a 2 early in the match was dominating him at certain points which shouldnt have happend. Also the ending of the match was horrible because if your going to do a fast count at least make it believeable the count Nick Patrick did was horrible.
The way it could have happend, they could have had Hogan start the match good but as he went for the pinfalls Sting would keep kicking out at 1 or 1 & a half and taking it to Hulk. Then when it looked like the match would end the NWO comes out only to be stopped by Sting who then sees Hogan in the corner delievers the splash. Locks in the Scorpion & wins the match thereby saving WCW from the NWO mence and sending Hulk away. But the way they close out the show is by making like Kevin Nash be the last thing Hulk sees before the show goes black & after the celebration in the ring for Sting & WCW. This way Sting is now the top guy, NWO loses momentum and you now have a story for next year Nash vs Hogan. Tell me what you think about this rewrite on facebook or twitter i would love to hear about what you think.


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