Scouting Report

Kyle O' Reilly

good in the ring
average on mic

Best Possible Feuds: Bryan, Punk, Jericho, Shamrock, RVD, Kidd

He began his career in ECCW which is a small company up in Canada, there he won the Jr Heavyweight title 3 times in that company. Since then he also appeared in DGUSA, Chikara, PWG, FIP, & other companies throughout the US. The first time he got on major company is in 2009 he debuted with ROH this was the first time he was on Nation wide TV. It wasnt until 3 matches into his ROH career that he won his first match which came at the expense of training partner Tony Kozina. Since Kyle has worked with Adam Cole in a team called Future Shock they took the American Wolves, Kings of Wrestling, & Briscoes to the limit but came up short each time. Now a couple of months ago Kyle & Adam disbanded going their separate ways joining with Davey & Eddie respectively. To clear up any confusion Kyle went with Davey to form Team Ambtion & Adam went with Eddie. If the 10th anniversary show is any indication then there could be a heel turn in the future of Kyle O' Reilly.
Kyle a talented kid who knows his stuff on the mat and how to use that knowledge to win. I think he is better on his own because he get noticed easier & may have a brighter future especially with how deep the ROH tag division is. If they play their cards right then Kyle could be the future of ROH or another company somewhere else only being 25 he has a bright future ahead of him.


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