This day in Wrestling History

To day is one of the more memorable eras of a time when numerous Wrestlemania's were forgetful but this one was different this one Wrestlemania 14 was different. It was the night the LOD returned but also the night Shawn Michaels left because of his back injury. Also tonight saw the first ever and last ever dumpster match in WWE history between Cactus Jack & Chainsaw Charlie vs Billy Gunn & Road Dogg. They fought all over using the dumpster as a weapon. This was also the night many say Austin's career took off cause after 1 year of climbing to the top he accomplished and helped WWE jump in front. But the macth between him and Shawn could have been of course if Shawn wasnt hurt but for the shape he was in it was a great match. With numerous highlights still spoken of today by fans & superstars alike. Even more background this was the first time ever that Undertaker & Kane fought each other in any way shape or form. Then the feud continued for the rest of the year about until they became a team in mid 1998 for a short time only to feud again. They also fought in the first Inferno Match at Unforgiven of this year. Now 14 years later it's hard to believe that a majority of the guys on this card are retired in some way but still alarming by how few of them still have anything to do with WWE today it's disappointing. WWE didnt see potential or up side for there talent even back then so i guess somethings never change.


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