Rework & Rewrite

Today I am going to rebook: WCW July 1998 Goldberg vs NWO

Backstory: In the Summer of 1998 WCW was looking for someone new to push in order to keep nitro hot & the streak was over big time at the time so put over the streak. That's not what happend long story short Hogan fought Goldberg on Nitro instead of on ppv & we believe that someone else should have won the Starrcade match.
So let's travel back to June 15, 1998 or the night after WCW Great American Bash when Goldberg fought Konnan (Nwo Member for the US title) & retained the gold. I would start it out slow I would have him get provoked by Scott Hall saying Bill degrades the championship & these people dont really like him they just hate the NWO so much that they will like anything thats against them. This leads to a match between the two that night in the Main Event and sees Goldberg win & continue the streak. Next week Bischoff makes a rematch between Hall & Goldberg but this time Hennig as special ref. This time the "unbiased" ref Curt almost costs Bill the title and the streak numerous times until Goldberg snaps and attacks Curt, spears Hall and out comes Piper whos in a ref shirt and he makes the count. In the weeks leading up to Bash at the Beach, Goldberg is feuding with Hennig & is fighting him at the ppv. He wins and then the next night he says he is sick of waiting he wants to end the NWO and knows exactly how to do that. That's by ending Hulk Hogan's title reigin and then the NWO. That starts a feud with Hulk over the title for the next 3 months at World War 3 they fight in a Steel Cage Match because of the outcomes of the last two matches on ppv. This match sees Hulk get taken down by Bill who wins and keeps the streak going & starts the coutdown to end NWO. From that night till Great American Bash of next year Hulk stays off TV so new guys can move up. The next night Goldberg startes to run through the already cracking NWO & by Starrcade he does what he said he would as the only NWO group still together is the Wolfpac. Last beating Stiener who goes off with Buff who continues to manage him as mid-card heels. At Starrcade a feud begins with Nash over the belt & the streak it really starts the next night when Goldberg says since i took out one cancer i will take out the other NWO now as well. For the next 3 months Goldberg defeats every member of the Wolfpac at least once except Nash who says he will end the streak. At Great American Bash, he gets his chance but tries to cheat with help from Hall but the returning Hogan stops them the distraction causes Nash to lose. Now Goldberg will start to feud with Booker, T as we are in mid 99 and its not over hatered its just Book wants his chance at the streak. Prior to that Booker is being built up having beaten Hart, Nash, Luger, & DDP over the course of a few months also held the US title for 5 months. Now almost 2 years after the streak began Goldberg puts it on the line at Fall Brawl vs Booker, T & he loses.
With you make Goldberg a top star and you use him to make another guy a top star, also you get the NWO off TV so if you do want to bring them back they can comeback fresh. Also this way Hogan could have gotten time off to comeback fresh if he needed to. Tell me if you agree with this or tell me how you would have book it different thanks.


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