This Day in Wrestling History

Today is in my opinion one of the days in wrestling business that many people thought to be a turning point. It's one of those days that some wrestling fans still remember to this day I am talking about October 4 1975. Still don't know what I am talking about well would Ric Flair, Johnny Valentine, Bob Bruggers, Dave Crokett, Tim Woods, & Joseph Farkas . I am of course talking about the unfortunate Plane Crash that happened over Wellington, NC. The crash took the life of Farkas and ended the career of both Bob Bruggers, & Johnny Valentine. Also as many people know Flair broke his back in the crash & Doctors said "The 26 year old at the time Flair would never wrestle again." But Ric proved the doctors wrong and returned to the ring in early 1976. Then became one of the greatest wrestlers in not only the modern era but ever.
The only wrestler I didn't mention is Tim Woods, because what he did was a story by itself and deserves to be properly addressed. To start during the 1970's keeping the business protected was still second nature doing this was called staying in Kayfabe or not breaking Kayfabe. During this time heels & faces never traveled together but this was a different occasions as Woods was the only face on board. Because of this when they got to the hospital Woods didn't not go under his ring name because, he wanted to protect the fact heels & faces hate each other so he gave his real name and said he was promoter. Rumors started to circulate that Woods was really on the plane and because of that to prove the rumors wrong Woods got back in the ring 2 weeks later. He got a concussion, bruised ribs, & a compression fracture in his back. With all those injuries he went back in the ring 2 weeks after being in a Plane Crash. That's one tough you know what in my book that also shows how important it was to the guys back then to keep the business protected.


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