News Worthy

Over the last few months something in my mind has flown under the radar that deserves to be mentioned and receive the notoriety because of how special it has been for the NWA. I am speaking of one of the best feuds in wrestling in recent memory Adam Pearce vs Colt Cabana. This series is called Seven Level of Hate and it has seen Colt & Adam fight all over the US in loads of different matches. From Chain Match, Texas Death Match, First Blood Match and much more now they move to Steel Cage Match. They have spilt blood all over the US and now they move to Australia on October 27. At one point Colt was up 3-0 and many thought Pearce was going to loss the series and have to leave NWA but Adam came back and showed how good he is. I did just say if Pearce loss the series he has said he will leave NWA forever which is a big deal because he has been a huge star for the NWA. Here is a video of the challenge from Adam to Colt:

Most recently these two fought in a Texas Death Match which was Stage 6 of this series and now October 27 with series tied 3-3 they move to Australia in a Cage to see who is NWA Champion. These two are two of the most charismatic, most over, & best in ring workers in the business today and are in my book helping the NWA reach level. This feud/series has been the one of the best in recent years on the indies or major promotion. I love seeing things like this on the indies because, it makes you these guys are so good they are like the complete packages but they aren't in WWE or TNA and I can tell you nobody would be able to answer why they aren't. Below is a link to any footage you may want to see about this feud:
Remember October 27 2012, is Stage 7 of the Seven Levels of Hate Series which is a Steel Cage it will be in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia. Colt Cabana's last shot to reclaim the NWA World title from "Scrap Iron" Adam Pearce, this will be a Barn Burner.

Pearce vs Cabana Seven Levels of Hate


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