Flair is Back or is He

Over the past few months the speculation has been running rampant around the IWC but I am not here to feed into the speculation I will however say facts right now. Flair left TNA in Late April or early May and almost immediately the rumors began that people were saying Flair would be back in WWE by mid-Summer. But that wasn't the case as TNA decide to sue WWE because they thought WWE got confidential contract information on numerous superstars by a former TNA employee. So Flair's return is delayed for now and at this point at the end of October he has still not returned. The reason for his delayed return is because of the TNA lawsuit but now rumors are moving a lot faster then the last few months. As I right this post many source in WWE say Flair could be back in WWE by as early as this Monday because they are live in Charlotte, NC which is Flair's hometown. Also he had an appearance for a local promotion in Charlotte but has canceled which brings us to think it might be true. If in fact Ric comes back word is he will be involved in the angle between Vickie, AJ, & Cena over who is the GM.
But now because I never speculate here is why I think he may not be there this Monday, because they just began the story of Vickie being in charge and unless they don't mind ending that quick then. Also because like I mentioned about the TNA Lawsuit the court proceedings are still going on. Which in my mind if they brought Flair in would turn the ball to TNA and would be hard to bring back.

I will keep you guys updated on the goings on with this situation.
I personally would love to see The "Nature Boy" Ric Flair back in WWE because it would be different and well he is Ric Flair who doesn't like that WOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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