Background: Hulk Hogan vs Ric Flair

It's time for the next edition of How I Would Book it; this time instead of focusing on a specific superstar or company I am focusing on a specific feud. Back in the day the talk of the wrestling word was who would win if Hulk Hogan fought Ric Flair a great question. Many people wondered for a long time as both men were the top of two different companies NWA & WWF respectivley. Fans thought Hogan vs Flair would happen when Flair joined WWF in late 1991 after being fired by WCW. But that was not the case Hogan spent more time away they apart of the show which made it hard to make the match. Even though it disappointed many and I many fans still the match didn't happen then Flair left in 1993 to go back to WCW. Fans thought all hope was lost for a dream match like Flair vs Hogan to happen but they were wrong. As it history has it Hogan would join WCW a little over a year after Flair returned to the company specifically Hogan joined in June 94.
I think this feud was one of the biggest misoppotunities in the history of WCW because they could have done so much more then they did. Also since when do you give the fans a Dream Match in a "new" talents first match. I know it was Hulk Hogan but still nobody deserves a shot at the World Title on their first night in a New company.

Join me as I journey back in time to WCW 1994, When things finally changed for the better for WCW and changed the Wrestling World as well.


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