How I would Book it Part 1...... Ric Flair vs Hulk Hogan

We start on June 4 1994 better known as the night a message came across the screen on WCW Saturday Night that Hogan signed with WCW. Here we go:

Early in the show we get the announcement coming across the screen that Hulk Hogan has signed with WCW. Later on in the broadcast Flair says that his Unification Match vs Sting is more important then Hulk Hogan because we here he isn't & we've proven we belong he hasn't. We'll be waiting Hulk Woooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. We are promised footage from the press conference when Hulk officially signed next week.
6/5: The Next day on WCW Main Event, We find out that Commissioner Nick Bockwinkel has overloaded by people asking him if they can be the first to fight Hogan. So Nick says at Clash of Champions their will be a Battle Royal were the winner will face Hulk Hogan in his debut match at Bash at the Beach. Also the match on WCW Main Event was Sting over Vader via DQ, Vader attacks Sting after the match but then Flair runs in for the save.
6/11: On to the next WCW Saturday Night, We find out that later tonight Flair will team with Sting vs Vader & Barry Windham. Announcers are still excited about the signing of Hogan and the press conference, Flair comes out and tells them to stop the footage saying his match at Clash of Champions. Flair & Sting over Vader & Windham (Sting pins Barry)
6/12: On WCW Main Event I would have the Announcers start saying they think Flair maybe jealous of the attention Hogan is getting instead of Flair when Ric is World Champion.
6/18: Next Saturday, they start by hyping the Clash and once again saying they think Flair maybe jealous of Hogan. Later in the show, Sting defeats Mark Starr, then speaks talking to Ric Flair saying that he shouldn't be so focused on Hulk Hogan and should focus on Sting or he will take his World title. Before the end of the show Flair is out and starts by telling Sting he is ready for The Clash and adds that Sting has nothing to worry about. Also states that over the last week he has heard people think that he is jealous of Hulk Hogan, he says they are wrong because I am Ric Flair "the limosine riding, jet flyin, kiss stealing, wheeling dealing son of a gun" & I am the Man.
6/19: Main Event they hype Sting vs Flair by showing the history between these two men. Ron Simmons over Vader and post match he challenges the winner of the Unification Match for a shot at the World title.
6/24: Clash of Champions, Ron Simmons over Rick Rude, Steve Austin over Dustin Rhodes, Vader wins the Battle Royal, & Unification Match Ric Flair defeats Sting

I only will list the matches that in some way will tie back to the feud/story in the long run. Hope you enjoyed Part 1, Part 2 will be coming Soon.


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