NWA: Colt Cabana vs Adam Pearce

NWA World Heavyweight Championship, Seven Levels of Hate: Stage 7 Steel Cage
Colt "Boom Boom" Cabana challenges "Scrap Iron" Adam Pearce
October 27, 2012 Melbourne Australia
For a company that many thought would never reclaim it's legacy, for a company that many thought that after splitting from TNA would never return to the limelight. Well in my opinion they were wrong because the feud that has been going on in the NWA for most of 2012 over the NWA Title challenges that logic. Now it isn't at the level it used to be it's not even on the level of some Indy companies but it's still alive and kicking and deserves to be acknowledged. The feud between Colt Cabana & Adam Pearce has changed that, they are two of the best in the business and they have showed it. So far six different matches all over the USA, up and down each coast if know or have heard about it you have to acknowledge the feud and be happy about the passion these two men are showing. This feud is over 12 pounds of gold that has had a place in the wrestling business since 1948 or even you could back to the early 1900's still this title was the first. Also to my knowledge this fitting because in the promotion with oldest belt a first still happens. I've never heard of this happening before and these two guys are doing a hell of a job making it extremely memorable. They are in my opinion making a notable case for feud of the year not from me but from PWI or Wrestling Observer.
On, October 27 2012 the war ends these two men have battled since April for a belt many said doesn't mean anything anymore. Boy were they wrong, Pearce vs Cabana for the NWA World Title Steel Cage Match in Melbourne Australia Stage 7 of Seven Levels of Hate things won't be the same.


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