Ring of Change

As of this writing I have heard a big creative change will be taking place within the ranks of ROH as Jim Cornette will be relinquishing power and giving it to Hunter "Delirious" Johnson. Now Johnson will be in charge of the entire creative direction & also production. Jim will still be with ROH but more like an adviser of sorts to Delirious. From my prior knowledge of ROH, I am aware of Delirious being on the creative team but never having this much power. But then again if anyone can teach him to do it right it would Cornette. Because when you think about great wrestling minds still within wrestling one of the first people to come to mind is Cornette. I think this may help ROH because it gives a fresh future having a new TV & Creative direction should ROH & Delirious move forward. I know what one might say well if Jim is helping Delirious isn't it Jim's ideas that are going to TV yes/no. Yes because is telling Delirious how to do things & no because it's up to Delrious to decide how they are shown on TV. If it was me I would take advantage of having Cornette at my disposal by finding out all I could about what is needed. But also I would think about changing how the show is formated to an effect I don't know off the top of my head.

Here is to a Bright future for ROH as they continue to year 11:


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