Seven Levels of Hate: It's Over

Last night in Melbourne Australia aka October 27 it was as Australia is one day ahead of us so they had Stage 7 last night. With that it's time for me to tell you unfortunately Adam Pearce lost and I say it's unfortunate because with that loss Adam is keeping his word and is leaving the NWA. I apologize first for not mentioning it prior but when Adam challenged Colt to the Seven Levels of Hate he put his NWA career on the line. With that in my opinion the best NWA Wrestler in recent memory and a superstar that helped give NWA a face over the last 5 years is leaving. I am sure the NWA will offer him some sort of parting gift but from myself and the fans, Mr. Pearce thank you for busting your butt every night and giving us fans another reason to watch NWA. Over the last two years I have paid more attention to the NWA then I had in the last 10 years and that's because of Colt & Adam. Watching promos from Adam makes me think of Harley Race just by the tone his voice usually has in his promos. This feud between "Scrap Iron" Adam Pearce & Colt "Boom Boom" Cabana will go down in history as one of the greatest feuds in the history of the NWA. These guys didn't disappoint and I will not disregard Colt's win, I offer a congrats to Colt for a hard fought win and his 3rd NWA Title reign. I also think it's good the NWA is moving forward in a way but it will be very hard to fill the shoes of a talent like the 5 times NWA Champion, "Scrap Iron" Adam Pearce.


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