Who's Writting this Part 2

Once again I don’t know or claim to know everything about the business but I am game to learn more then I already know as I have decide my job of choice is in that business. I will settle for nothing less cause as Dusty Rhodes said “Get a dream hold on to it and shoot for the stars” yes a senior in high school just quoted Dusty Rhodes I know. Now let’s get funky monkey as I take you on a trip through time to show how much I know about the sport I love. I can every Royal Rumble winner in order from 88 till now; same with the King of the Ring except I don’t think I can do it in order I can name all of them though. 
Can name the first 5 WCW world champions in order, can tell you the first WWE triple crown winner, longest reigning WWE champion in history, same with the tag titles for both WWE, WCW, ECW, ROH, TNA, & other titles as well. I don’t only know title histories and match winners, I have also seen some of the best moments in wrestling history like: Hogan slamming Andre, Douglas throwing down the NWA title, Flair winning his first World title, the first Starrcade & Wrestlemania. Also I have the knowledge of some of the worst moments like: the show that Owen Hart died on, the last Nitro, ECW on TNN (no freedom & advertising), Magnum T.A’s bike crash, the Von-Erich’s deaths, Eddie, Benoit, Brian Pillman, Louie Spicolli, Rick Rude, Kanyon, Bigelow, Test, Crush, Crash, and Fred Blassie’s deaths & many of their tributes, & how could I forget the Macho Man Randy Savage OH Yeah. To say you don’t get emotionally attached to the guys is a lie because even though it’s not totally real still you and that’s true me with Eddie Guerrero it wasn’t when he first died it was when I saw a tribute video. But I have been close to tear on a couple of other occasions that I really don’t feel like talking about so let’s move on. I have seen many of the best matches ever like: Savage vs Steamboat, Michaels vs Hart, Michaels vs Hall, Michaels vs Taker Hell in a Cell & Mania. Also saw Punk vs Cena on PPV, Hart vs Bulldog SummerSlam 92, Bret vs Owen in the Cage & at Mania 10, Rock vs Austin, Rock vs HHH SummerSlam 98, Rock vs Mankind. 

Also there is Kurt Angle vs Brock Lesnar, Chris Jericho vs Shawn Michaels WM 19, Eddie Guerrero vs Rey Mysterio. Then there are matches that I have seen that were better than the masses thought Davey Richards vs Eddie Edwards 1 in March 2010, Hulk Hogan vs Warrior, Hulk Hogan vs Goldberg, Sting vs Ric Flair, Flair vs Steamboat, and much…….. More.
Once more I will tell you can call me nerd, geek, in need of a life it doesn’t matter just happy you’re reading it and hopefully wondering how I can know all of this. But like I said in part 1 I am darn proud that I know this much about this sport.
All of this is the truth I hope that over the last 11 months I have the trust and believeablity of the people who view this site that I can say this stuff and you will believe it to be true. Anything you guys want me to go further in depth on that i have said in this post or the last one please say something. here is a link back to the last one in case http://evolutionofwrestling.blogspot.com/2012/05/who-is-writing-this.html 
thanks again for reading.


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