Week News

Just reported on the dirtsheets WWE is moving to 3 hours on July 23 which is their 1000th episode of RAW ever. Also TNA announced that starting with the show May 31st is the new timeslot 8pm they will also be going live every thursday through the Summer. Two interesting announcements from the top 2 companies in the United States let us dive deeper into both of them.
First TNA, I applaud them for doing this because if they arent leaving the Impact Zone the only other thing they can do is go Live which is what they are doing Good Job. What they need to do now is make it work hype the show in 2 weeks as a big deal, book some big matches for the show. Because it could really help them make an Impact on their first show at the new time. But then again they very rarely do what makes most sense & by the way what do I know I am only a fan.

WWE adds another hour to their cable juggernaut Monday Night Raw WOW!!! Not only will July 23 be big because it is Raw's 1000th show but also because it will begin the 3 hour era of Raw. Vince also said that the fans will not only watch the show but will help create the show as well. That sounds sick it means like we will be able to decide matches, stipulations, Superstar development and more. Doing all this through WWE.com and social media which once again will be sick. Cant wait to see what this means, and I am ready to get the creative juices pumpin and get some idea out on RAW.

At least we know one thing however this works out with Raw wether we help in one way or another we know we wont get the Best of Luck in our Future Endevor notice that so many employees have got so there is a plus.

 BREAKING NEWS: WWE RAW Going To Three Hours


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