This day in Wrestling History

Today one of the greatest in ring competitors never to win a world title would have been 47 years old and he is a member of one of the greatest wrestling families the Hart's I am talking about Owen. The great former IC, Tag Team champion, former King of the Ring winner, many others God Bless you Owen Hart.
Once of the most underrated wrestlers ever in WWE constantly putting on great matches vs former & future World Champions like Austin, Michaels, Triple H, Bret Hart, & many others. I feel he should have been world champion instead of being made a fool by dawing his Blazer mask again. As he was Blue Blazer prior in his career and cam back to it in 1999. Starting in Stampede Wrestling like his brothers in wasnt long before Owen was in WWF teaming with the likes of Koko B Ware. A couple of years before joining WWF Hart went to Japan were he won the Jr Heavyweight title. Prior to rejoing WWF he spent a little time in WCW.  After teaming with Koko for around a year, he was on his own until a feud with Jerry Lawler got the family together & lead to what was suppose to be a Survivor Series match vs Lawler & company but didnt happen. On that night the Hart brothers fought HBK & Knights but its also began the biggest feud of Owen's career vs his brother Bret. This went on until the Road to Wrestlemania 10 which is when Ownen & Bret fought for the first time. Owen won the match which was a great opening match one of the best in Wrestlemania history in my opinion. From 1994-1999 Owen would flout around the top of the WWF heel roster while holding the tag titles with Bulldog & Yokozuna. What about his feud with Shawn Michaels who was WWF champ, winning the IC belt, or even facing Austin. Then you had the Montreal Screwjob in November 97 all the Hart left WWF Bulldog, Anvil, & Bret but Owen didnt leave cause he was loyal to Vince so he stayed. Over the next of months Bret tried to get Owen out of his contract so Owen could jump ship to WCW but nothing.
In 1998 Owen turned heel once more and joined the once enemy of the Hart Foundation which reformed in 1997 he joined the Nation of Domination. Stayed apart of the stable until its demise then became the Blue Blazer. Things changed once 1999 began as he started to team with Jeff Jarrett, as both the Blue Blazer & Owen. They did this until May 23 1999 at Over the Edge live at the Kemper Arena in Kansas City, MI. Owen was suppose to face the Godfather as Blue Blazer but the match never happened unfortunately. Because, Owen who was making a superhero like entrance propelling down from the roof something went terribly wrong and Owen fell all the way down into the ring to his death. Now I am not going to get into if they should have kept the ppv going or not wether they should have had Jeff Jarrett's match right after is a different story.

Owen HartGod Bless this man he is missed by family, friends, & fans. I have heard so many stories of Owen being a fun loving, prankster and thats what i remember him as. Also I have seen many of Owen's matches and i can tell you i truly dont know if i have ever seen him without a smile on his face he loved the business & i hope isnt to disappointed of what this business has become.
RIP OWEN HART 1965-1999


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