TNA News

Late last week I believe Hulk Hogan developed a new idea that he wants the fans to film the TNA stars whenever & wherever the fans see them. That is a terrible idea I mean c'mon on it does take a brain surgeon to figure out that everyone deserves their privacy. Also who cares how light their schedules are they still deserve privacy to spend time with their families. This will not give the guys major/main stream attention because the people the fans are video taping arent major/main stream stars. It would be different if it was main stream stars but they arent and they can thank the fine people at TNA for that because they do so well at making new stars yah right. They are as good at making as ROH was prepared for the IPPV over the weekend. (sorry i had to)
Some may say oh its just another mark pissing, moaning, and complaning about how much he hates Hulk Hogan, TNA, etc & if anyone else came up with the idea it would be gold. Thats not true I am done complaning about TNA because I am wasting my time. Its not like Dixie Carter will email me and say I have your blog post about TNA and noticed you disatisfied with the product why is that. I will not continue with that cause it aint going to happen, on to Hulk, no I am not complaning just because it was his idea I think the idea sucks no matter who came up with it. Someone should tell Scotty Steiner about this he will have talking about how much of a joke this is. I tell you what go walk up to someone you that has wrestling or knows wrestling ask them if they have ever heard of TNA should not surprise you the answer that you get.
TNA's problem is definetly not the fact that they need a way to get mainstream stars because if thats the case then start charging for the tickets and get the hell out of Orlando. Because they cant believe they actually have a loyal fan base in Orlando nobody pays to go to the shows. The people do pay to get out not to get in. Problems are they dont focus on the talent they should they focus on the talent that had there primes back in the 90's or later & they focus on the sons of high ranking executive and not those who earn it. You guys know who I mean, & I am not saying that Sting, Flair, Hogan, & Bischoff need to leave because they can help the company but they need to get off TV for a while. They need to demote Garrett, Robbie E, Robbie, T, & Gunner for gimmick change and fine tuning with their in ring skills. I have said all I can say about that stupid TMZ type thing that Hogan wants us fans to do. The reaction to it backstage is negative just like the ppv buys. But dont ask the executives in Nashvillie cause they will just deny it like they do with everything else bad that happens.

Grow up Hulk figure out that not all your ideas are good and retract this one because it is an invasion of privacy & in noway will help TNA. Because the fans have to know who the people are and what they look like before they figure out it's them which will be hard considering what a good job TNA does marketing them.
So this is my TNA rant guess you could say and to quote Eric Bischoff, If you dont like that I did this then "Bite Me" you dont agree thats different leave a comment. My Site My Opinion done with TNA


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