This day in Wrestling History

13 years ago today was like another day before it but not since it because the suffering for some more than other still have not been forgotten. 13 years ago today was the last time WWF Over the Edge was on ppv but that’s not the only thing people saw at the Kemper Arena that night. That was the night that people still speak of today in detail, & is something I am sure those in attendance will never forget. It was supposed to be the night Owen Hart won the IC title again but it turned into a night of tragedy. Owen who was then the Blue Blazer a superhero under a mask, he was going to propel down from the ceiling of the Kemper Arena. But then something went wrong and Owen fell 30-50 feet to the ring hitting his head on the turnbuckle. He was later pronounced dead by medical personal and we the ppv viewing audience found out later that he passed away. Owen was a great worker who loved what he did more than most. I have heard some many great stories told in interviews or discussion with wrestlers about Owen he never really lacked a smile on his face; he had a great sense of humor. He has been sorely missed for the last 13 years by family, friends, & fans of all ages. I just hope one day Owen is able to get the recognition he deserves and that put in the Hall of Fame because there are few who without a doubt deserve to be in the Hall and Owen is one of them.
Unfortunately, I didn’t figure out how much Owen meant to this business because I wasn’t a fan of the heels back then just the good guys. Backstage, Owen was and still a great guy and now I realize that to that Owen was and is one of the most underrated WWE stars of all time. Also if WWE still had workers like Owen today then they wouldn’t be losing fans like they are but gaining them. He was an awesome worker, from what I hear a great joker, had an awesome sense of humor, & was an amazing father who loved his kids.
This post was really hard to do because anytime I watch any one of his matches or think about talents that I wish were still here Owen is either at the top or near all the time. He is missed but never forgotten by Family Friends & Fans

Gone But Never Forgotten
God Bless Us Everyone


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