Canadian Wrestling

With this being May & the months that 13 years ago one of the best wrestlers never to win a world title was taken from us. I am going to look back from today till the end of the month at some of the best Canadian Wrestlers since Owen's debut in 1986 till now. These are people like Steve Corino, Owen Hart, Bret Hart, Lance Storm, Chris Jericho, Edge, Christian, Kevin Steen, Roddy Piper, & many more. Today I guess its fitting that we start with the Best in the World at everything he does, Y2J, the Ayatollah of Rock n Rolla, the Highlight of the Night, the Living Legend, King of the World, he is.... Chris Jericho
record holder for the most times Intercontinental Champion
first Undisputed Champion
grand slam champion (WWE)
6 time WCW Cruserwieght champion
Memeber of the band Fozzy
contestant on Dancing With the Stars

Some of his great moments one match and one promo from Chris Jericho's Great Career:
Probably one of the funniest promos in WCW from Chris Jericho when he stated Dean Malenko was the man of 1000 holds well he knows 1004. ENJOY

Match it is Chris Jericho vs Shawn Michaels No Mercy 2008 Ladder Match


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