He's going going Gone

As of this afternoon Ric Flair is gone from TNA, done will not be back on TV anytime soon as the company let him gone.
Even though they had good reason to let him go still they let go of the wrong legend they should have let Hulk leave. Because they say Nature Boy hasn’t made a difference in the ratings well that maybe true how much of a difference has Hulk really made or is just another classic case of politics in pro-wrestling. Hulk is liked by those in the office that’s how he got Brooke a job there and how he has kept his. Flair has a better mind for the business that’s how he was a semi successful booker in WCW way back. Also Spike said they can’t make Ric be on TV half nude in any way or in his gear because of his age; also he couldn’t bleed for the same reason. That is classic Ric how you could stop him from being classic Ric at 63 just because he is 63. Then you look at what WWE is doing still having Mae Young partake in an active role in her 80's and you wonder why WWE is #1.
TNA started there cleaning process of getting rid of those who don’t belong in the alternative or on TV every week anymore. I am not in any way insulting what they did in the business or for it, it’s just you got to be able to stop and think should I still be on TV or maybe just be around backstage and help the guys who belong on TV establish themselves. Also don’t even go to any officials and ask why is the reason Ric is gone and Hulk isn’t because they will say we are fans and we don’t need to know. People don’t like TNA they just hate WWE so much that any type of wresting is good enough. I bet if AAA which is on TV in the US wasn’t so tough to follow for some then people would watch that instead of TNA.
I have tried to be unbiased & opinionative but TNA is just so frustrating that I can’t help it I know they can be better; but everyone down their thinks they now what they are doing and don’t think anyone else has a clue. Like when they say that they are in direct competition with WWE which is a lie they are so far behind WWE that WCW is still closer to them. They say the name recognition that the legends bring will make them more noticeable all its doing is fill time that people who aren’t past their primes could fill. Or what those being sold on the fact that only 17000 people didn’t buy their ppv i believe Lockdown that more did. That’s like saying that there were then 2500 people at that ppv in Nashville here is a pic. 


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