Various TNA News
It came out recently that Hulk Hogan has major heat on himself with those in TNA for agreeing to be apart of the next WWE video game because of his involvement with TNA. Apparently it is apart of his current contact that says he is allowed to do projects outside the company. With the 30 years of Wrestlemania being the main focus of the game in only makes sense they have someone who was a big part of the WWE for so long. All i have to say is get over it Dixie because you signed him to the contract and if you or anyone in TNA has a problem with it blame yourself because you should have signed him to that contract then. Also many backstage believe Hogan's contract will be expiring with TNA in the coming months. Some say it could be expiring as soon as October but that is just a rumor. Also people say Hogan not being at the most recent string of taping's and or seen on the shows recently is another cost cutting measure for TNA. Which has said to have saved the company a significant amount of cash the last couple weeks, which may not be a good sign for Hogan.
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