How I would book it WWF Part 6....... WWF1995

Saturday September 30th Superstars:
Brooklyn Brawler & Aldo Montoya def. Justin Wilson & Mike Bell (Brawler pins Justin), Razor Ramon def. Jeff Hardy, Skip w/ Sunny def. Robert Fader, Jeff Jarrett def. Goldust via DQ when Brian Armstrong runs in and attacks Jeff Jarrett returning the favor from In Your House. Savio Vega def. Dean Douglas w/ Unabomber (Horowitz is on Commentary), Lex Luger def. Owen Hart
Monday October 2nd Monday Night Raw:

Bushwhackers def. Smoking Guns (Luke pins Billy), Bam-Bam Bigelow vs Yokozuna very hyped match for tonight, Owen Hart def. Bob Holly, Video package of the history between Davey Boy & Luger, Hunter Hearst Helmsley, 123 Kid, & IRS def. Undertaker w/ Paul Bearer via Count-Out, Dean Douglas & Unabomber def. Savio Vega & Barry Horowitz (Unabomber pins Vega) Post Match: Dean attacks Horowitz with the Intercontinental title then poses with it saying he will be the champion. Waylon Mercy def. Henry Godwin, Bam-Bam Bigelow def. Yokozuna, Skip w/ Sunny def. Avitar, Bret Hart def. Razor Ramon
Saturday October 7th Superstars:
Men on a Mission def. Mike Bell & Scott Taylor, Jeff Jarrett def. Justin Wilson, Blacksmith def. Matt Hardy, Undertaker vs IRS is announced as Main Event, (c) Barry Horowitz def. Jeff Engels, Yokozuna def. Dos Conquistadors, Undertaker w/ Paul Bearer def. IRS w/ Ted DiBiase (Post Match: Diesel runs in an attacks Undertaker, then he yells at DiBiase saying “I am 6’10 and 330 pounds, I don’t need help taking care of my problems. I am just going to handle it myself.)
Monday October 9th Monday Night Raw:

(c) Men on a Mission def. Bushwhackers to retain the Tag Team Championships (Post Match: Camp Cornette walks out with Cornette yelling at Men on a Mission saying that his team gets another shot at the gold. Mabel & Moe nod accepting the rematch with Camp Cornette for In Your House 4), Bret Hart def. Jeff Jarrett via Submission, Shawn Michaels & Razor Ramon def. Dean Douglas & Unabomber (Shawn pins Dean), Lex Luger vs British Bulldog is the Main Event, Jean Pierre Lafitte def. Aldo Montoya, Undertaker w/ Paul Bearer def. Hunter Hearst Helmsley w/ Ted DiBiase (Diesel is on Commentary), Waylon Mercy def. Savio Vega, Lex Luger def. British Bulldog w/ James Cornette (Post Match: Owen & Yoko attack Lex then Bulldog joins in until Men on a Mission run in to save Lex)
Saturday October 14th Superstars:
Blacksmith def. George Adams, Goldust def. Black Phantom, Dean Douglas w/ Unabomber def. Bob Cook, Brooklyn Brawler & Aldo Montoya def. Leroy Howard & Dawkins Santana (Aldo pins Leroy), Louie Spicolli def. Scott Taylor, Shawn Michaels def. Hakushi (Post Match: Dean Douglas & Unabomber hit the ring and attack Shawn until Barry runs in to make the save. Then President Monsoon walks out and announces a Tag Team Match where the person who scores the pin fall will be IC Champion, it will be Dean & Unabomber vs Shawn & Barry.)
Monday October 16th Monday Night Raw:
Highlights of last week’s show, Hunter Hearst Helmsley & 123 Kid w/ Ted DiBiase def. Avitar & Henry Godwin (Kid pins Henry), President Monsoon announces that each member of the IC title tag match on Sunday will be able to pick a match for one member of each team. Razor Ramon def. Dean Douglas w/ Unabomber via DQ when the Unabomber attacks Owen, Bam-Bam Bigelow def. Savio Vega, Smoking Guns def. Skip & Jeff Jarrett w/ Sunny (Billy pins Skip), Undertaker vs Lex Luger is announced as Main Event, Shawn Michaels w/ Barry Horowitz def. Marty Jannetty, Backstage: Diesel is being interviewed he says “It’s simple the WWF brass doesn’t want me to be World Champion anymore so they are giving the same person another shot at me. It’s obvious actually they don’t want me to be champion anymore because they have who they want to be champion now. I am talking about The Undertaker, what does he know about being champion he is half dead like the crowd during his matches. Undertaker I beat you once and I will beat you again this Sunday. Owen Hart & Yokozuna def. Brooklyn Brawler & Aldo Montoya (Yoko pins Brooklyn), The Undertaker w/ Paul Bearer def. Lex Luger (Post Match: British Bulldog comes out and attacks Lex planting him with a power slam)
Saturday October 21st Superstars:

Men on a Mission def. Cory Wade & Josh Keys (Moe pins Keys), Ahmed Johnson def. Hakushi, (c) Barry Horowitz def. Jeff Jarrett, Brian Armstrong def. Goldust, Louie Spicolli def. Unabomber via DQ, Backstage: Shawn Michaels & Barry Horowitz encounter each other and Shawn tells Barry that even though they are partners on Sunday, Shawn is still looking to prove why Barry is a joke. History package Luger vs Bulldog, Headshrinkers def. Bushwhackers (Fatu pins Luke)
Sunday October 22nd In Your House 4:
Announcers hype the Matches for tonight, Hunter Hearst Helmsley & 123 Kid w/ Ted DiBiase def. Bushwhackers (Helmsley pins Butch), Goldust def. Brian Armstrong, British Bulldog w/ Jim Cornette def. Lex Luger, Main Event Hype, (c) Men on a Mission def. Owen Hart & Yokozuna to retain the Tag Team Titles (Mabel pins Yoko), Backstage: Paul Bearer & The Undertaker are seen and Paul has this to say “Diesel for a big man you sure complain a lot, tonight my Undertaker will make you (Taker takes over and says) Rest in Peace!!! Intercontinental Title Tag Match: (c) Barry Horowitz & Shawn Michaels def. Dean Douglas & Unabomber (Barry pins Unabomber after being super-kicked by Shawn on to Unabomber for the win. Shawn was pissed), WWF World Title Match: The Undertaker w/ Paul Bearer def. (c) Diesel to win the WWF World Championship

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