Superstar Recall 9

Over the course of this blog series we have looked back at many outlandish gimmicks, infamous superstars, and forgetful names of the past. Now we continue to look back at more of those wrestlers we have seen the likes of Saba Simba, Shockmaster, Steve Lombardi, Red Rooster, Doink the Clown, and many others. We have covered a lot of the guys but I know one I haven't gotten to just yet and it's a tag team from early WCW. They were collectively known as the Ding Dongs, it was WCW's way of trying to match WWE with the childish & comedic gimmicks of the era it didn't work. They didn't last and were gone soon after there debuts.

They did make an impact though as they were the first and last team to be called Ding Dongs as their name.

The Ding Dongs theme song & highlights of their debut are below

Highlights of the Ding Dong's Debut


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