Breaking TNA News: Stylin Negotiations

It was reported earlier today that the Wrestler many call Mr. TNA that is Allen Jones better known as AJ Styles. AJ has been called a founding father of TNA because of the fact he has been a huge part of the company since it's inception 10 years ago. AJ was the first not only Triple Crown winner but he was also the first Grand Slam Champion in TNA history. As of this writing TNA has done very little to attempt to resign AJ as of yet which is surprising because his contract is expiring next month. Now this would not be the first time TNA allowed a superstars contract to expire before resigning them as it happened with Robert Roode, Samoa Joe, Devon, etc. But it's also happened that because the wrestlers contract expired TNA lost them like it happened with Doc & RVD. 

The lack of resigning talents on time is one of the many things that cost Bruce Pritchard his job with TNA as President of Talent Relations. Rob also is a prefect example of someone who TNA lost then he got snatched up by WWE before TNA knew what hit them. With AJ's contract coming up and WWE lacking a big name what says that they will not try and go after AJ he is available. 

But WWE has made attempts in the past to get AJ but he's turned them down every time either because of loyalty to TNA or because of the scheduled difference between TNA & WWE. Either way AJ has remained loyal to TNA from the beginning of the company but he is even playing up the contract choice with this status update: “Where do fans want AJ Styles to be? TNA? WWE? ROH? Japan? Lots of options. Tough decisions” (from AJ Styles official Facebook). AJ leaving TNA would be a big blow to the company especially during the BFG Series and AJ having such a prominent role in it. I will say I don't think AJ leaves TNA in to go to WWE when his contract expires next month. 

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