How I would book it Part 3...... WWF 1995

Saturday June 17th Superstars: Newark, NJ

Men on a Mission def. William McReynolds & Colin McDonald (Moe pins William), Skip w/ Sunny def. Paul Wilson, Aldo Montoya def. Bob Holly via DQ after Hakushi runs in and attacks Bob Holly, Promo Video for King of the Ring on June 25th Live on PPV, Smoking Guns def. 123 Kid & Razor Ramon (Bart pins Kid), Duke Droese vs Henry Godwin No Contest as Helmsley and Henry get into a fight before the match even starts, Barry Horowitz def. Bushwhacker Luke via Submission, Headshrinkers def. Allied Powers (Fatu pins Luger)
Monday June 19th Monday Night Raw: Newark, NJ
Jeff Jarrett def. Scott Armstrong, Owen Hart & Yokozuna w/ Jim Cornette def. Tekno Team 2000 (Owen pins Travis), Diesel vs Bret Hart contract signing later tonight, Razor walks out to the ring he says even though he is the Intercontinental champion he is showing everyone he can go in tag team to. Now things haven’t worked out with me and Kid as a team so I thought try a new partner... Savio Vega. Savio Vega & Razor Ramon def. Heavenly Bodies (Savio pins Tom) Post Match: Savio & Razor celebrate as 123 Kid looks on jealous), Barry Horowitz def. Hakushi (Post Match: Horowitz gets attacked by Hakushi but then Bob Holly runs in to make the save), Hype for King of the Ring, Owen Hart & Yoko vs Men on a Mission announced for Sunday for the Tag Titles, KOTR Qualifier: Psycho Sid def. Man Mountain Rock, Alundra Blayze def. Helen Waldorf, History package of Henry Godwin vs Helmsley feud, Lex Luger def. Adam Bomb w/ Harvey Whippleman, Backstage: 123 Kid is seen leaving the arena then turns to the camera and says Razor we may not be able to win as a team but I thought you were my friend, WWF Title Contract Signing: Diesel & Bret Hart faceoff
Saturday June 24th Superstars: Philadelphia, PA
Jerry Lawler def. Danny Louis, Bushwhackers def. John & Randy Owens (Luke pins Randy), Doink the Clown def. Matt Hardy, Skip w/ Sunny def. Joe Aden, Bob Holly def. Hakushi (Post Match: Hakushi goes to attack Bob Holly again and this Barry Horowitz comes down to make the save), Allied Powers def. Jeff Davis & Chris Carter (Davey pins Jeff), 4 Man Battle Royal for a spot in the KOTR won by Jacob Blu
Sunday June 25th King of the Ring: Philadelphia, PA

KOTR Quarter Finals: Adam Bomb w/ Harvey Whippleman def. Jacob Blu, Tag Title Match: (c) Owen Hart & Yokozuna w/ Jim Cornette def. Men on a Mission (Yoko pins Moe), KOTR Quarterfinals: Barry Horowitz def. (c) Razor Ramon w/ Savio Vega (123 Kid & Savio get in a fight on the floor which distracts Razor, Post Match: Razor is pissed at 123 Kid), Hog Pen Match: Henry Godwin def. Hunter Hearst Helmsley, Backstage: Michaels & Sid are talking about their match & Michaels tells Sid to lay down for him Sid shakes his and Michaels leaves, KOTR Quarter Final Match: Psycho Sid def. Shawn Michaels (Sid was going to lay down for Shawn but then changed his mind), Bertha Faye def. Alundra Blayze, hype for Main Event WWF Title Match, Announcers who the mystery opponent is for IRS, KOTR Quarter Finals: Undertaker w/ Paul Bearer def. IRS w/ Ted DiBiase, Backstage: Bret Hart is being interviewed he says “Since In Your House all we have heard is the WWF Champion complaining about how he isn’t being “treated like a champion” well maybe he isn’t being treated like a champion because he isn’t acting like one. Diesel that you have is the most important thing in our sport and if you don’t treated with respect someone will come and take it from you and that’s me because I am the Best there is, I am the Best there was & I am the Best there Ever will Be!!! If you don’t believe me I will prove it. KOTR Semi-Finals: Barry Horowitz def. Adam Bomb w/ Harvey Whippleman via Submission, Announcers plug Horowitz as the Wild Card & the fact he has been unbeaten on Superstars for almost 2 months, KOTR Semi-Final Match: Psycho Sid def. Undertaker via Count-out when Bam-Bam Bigelow comes out and lures Undertaker up the stage away from the ring, Announcers put over everyone who participated in the KOTR and the two who made it to the finals, KOTR Finals: Undertaker def. Barry Horowitz, History Package for the World Title Match: (c) Diesel def. Bret Hart
Monday June 26th Monday Night Raw: Pittsburgh, PA

Highlights of the King of the Ring, Hakushi def. Bob Holly, Waylon Mercy vignette, Savio Vega w/ Razor Ramon def. 123 Kid (Kid grabs a mic and he says “Razor we may not be able to win together but I have beaten you before and I can beat you again. I challenge to a match at In Your House 2.” Razor accepts Kid’s challenge for a match at In Your House. (c) Yokozuna & Owen Hart def. Blu Brothers (Yoko pins Eli), Skip w/ Sunny def. Travis, Bertha Faye def. (c) Alundra Blayze to win the Woman’s Championship, Diesel is out he grabs a mic and starts “I told you I would prove that I deserve to be treated better then Bret Hart not only because I am World Champion but because I am better then Bret Hart. I am the greatest World Champion in the history of this company; Out comes Bob Backlund who says he disagree with Diesel and lays out a challenge for later tonight to prove him wrong. Barry Horowitz def. (c) Razor Ramon to win the Intercontinental Championship, Backstage: Bret Hart is seen talking to President Monsoon and Bret is asking for a rematch; Monsoon says he has to earn it. Waylon Mercy vignette, (c) Diesel def. Bob Backlund (Post Match: Diesel continues to assault Backlund but then Bret Hart runs out to make the save), Coronation Ceremony Crowning the New King announced for Next Week
Saturday July 1st Superstars: New Orleans, LA

Smoking Guns def. Mark Williams & Josh Keys (Bart pins Keys), 123 Kid def. Nate Edwards, Henry Godwin def. Duke Droese, Headshrinkers def. Randal Tate & Nate Hate (Seone pins Nate), Psycho Sid def. Ed Daniels & Kevin Stokes (Sid pins Daniels), (c) Barry Horowitz def. Aldo Montoya to retain the Intercontinental title (Post Match: Hunter Hearst Helmsley attacks Horowitz)
Monday July 3rd Monday Night Raw: New Orleans, LA
Coronation Ceremony: Todd Pettengill is in the ring and introduces the 1995 King of the Ring…. Psycho Sid; Sid comes out to accept his crown but then before he start talking Shawn Michaels walks out. He tells Sid “How dare you beat me because without me you wouldn’t be here in the WWF, without me you’re a failure, without me you’re a loser, you’re a disgrace to the crown and this company. He proceeds to slap Sid which is enrages Sid but before he can get Shawn. Shawn runs for the hills. Allied Powers def. Bushwhackers (Smith pins Butch), Skip w/ Sunny def. Moe, Bertha Faye & Bull Nakano def. Alundra Blayze & Tiffany Rose (Faye pins Rose), Waylon Mercy vignette, Adam Bomb w/ Harvey Whippleman def. Duke Droese, Jeff Jarrett def. Rad Radford, Video Package of the rivalry between Undertaker & Million Dollar Corporation, Psycho Sid & Bret Hart def. Diesel & Shawn Michaels (Sid pins Diesel)
Saturday July 8th Superstars: Tampa, FL 

Bushwhackers def. Austin Wilson & Willis Andrews (Luke pins Willis), Skip w/ Sunny def. Scott Armstrong, Backstage: Hunter Hearst Helmsley is being interviewed about his attack on Horowitz from last week. Hunter says “Barry is an embarrassment to this company and a title that was built for future World Champions not for losers like you. They made the title for winners like me which is why I attacked you because you don’t deserve that title I do. (c) Barry Horowitz def. Henry Godwin via DQ when Hunter Hearst Helmsley runs in and Barry goes after Hunter. Razor Ramon def. Jack Smith, Headshrinkers def. Allied Powers (Fatu pins Smith)
Monday July 10th Monday Night Raw: St. Petersburg, FL
Men on a Mission def. Yokozuna & Owen Hart (Mable pins Owen), Waylon Mercy Vignette, Highlights of Sid & Shawn’s altercation from last week, Alundra Blayze def. Aubrey Rose, Adam Bomb w/ Harvey Whippleman def. Bob Holly, 123 Kid def. Parker Mills, Undertaker w/ Paul Bearer def. King Kong Bundy w/ Ted DiBiase (Post Match: Bam-Bam Bigelow runs in an attacks The Undertaker and it leads to Taker being double teamed by Bam-Bam & Bundy. Then Bigelow waves towards the stage calling for someone backstage. IRS wheels a casket out to the ring then Bundy & Bigelow dumps Undertaker in the casket and wheel him away. Razor Ramon def. Brooklyn Brawler, Backstage: Gorilla Monsoon is seen backstage telling Owen Hart & Yokozuna that they will defend the Tag Team Titles next week against Men on a Mission, Psycho Sid def. Bret Hart   
Saturday July 15th Superstars: Ft. Lauderdale, FL

Moe def. Owen Hart, Bushwhackers def. Andrew Wilson & Chad Austin, Skip w/ Sunny def. Miller Adams, Hunter Hearst Helmsley def. Kevin Stokes (Post Match: Helmsley gets a mic and says “I have to be stuck fighting these jokes instead of wrestling for titles like I am destined for unlike the so called IC champion who holds the title now. Barry Horowitz you’re a waste of a champion and are devaluing the Intercontinental title. Horowitz I shouldn’t have to beat you for the title because you are not on my level you should give me the title because I am that much more talented then you. So I will come out next week for you to give me the title. Highlights of Undertaker, Bam-Bam Bigelow w/ Ted DiBiase def. Rad Radford 


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