PPV Predictions


Pre-Show Match: 

(c) Dean Ambrose vs Rob Van Dam 
even though this is the pre-show match they have to start having good matches here or nobody will bother watching them. The tag title match from last month was good let's build on it, that with the other member of The Shield raising the bar. Even though I do think RVD winning a title would help both Rob and the title I think they could get more out of a feud with Rob & Ambrose so I see Ambrose winning tonight 
Natalya vs Brie Bella 
The fact of the matter is even though for the first time in a while a divas match outside the title actually has background behind it means WWE is actually starting to care a little more about the divas. But I still think it will be a usual divas match. Because I think this feud is just starting Brie will win tonight. 
Bray Wyatt vs Kane: Inferno Match
This match could everything people are hoping for or it could a waste. I think because of the talent of the guys in the ring this match will be as good as expected in my opinion. Also it has been a long time since WWE has done a match like this. From what I understand Kane will going away to film a movie so i would think Bray wins.
Cody Rhodes vs Damien Sandow 
I think this match will be a good match because if they give this match not only good time but allow them to show what they can do. I said it earlier in the week that I love the fact that they are giving so much hype to a Mid-Card feud allowing the fans to believe it means something. 
Dolph Ziggler & Kaitlyn vs AJ Lee & Big E Langston 
Any match with Dolph Ziggler has all the makings to be a good match because Dolph is one of the best in the ring in the WWE today. I will keep this one short by just saying I they should have it were Kaitlyn gets a measure of revenge on AJ for all she has done to her. In which case I think Kaitlyn & Dolph win this one. 
(c) Alberto Del Rio vs Christian 
this will be a good match as both men involved in the match know what they are doing the ring. I have liked the direction they have gone with both men especially Christian since he came back. I would like to see Christian win but I think Alberto will win here 
(c) John Cena vs Daniel Bryan: w/ Triple H as Special Ref
this will probably be given the second most amount of time on the show because of the people in the match which is good to see. I wish they didn't put Hunter in the match in anyway because the match sold itself already and his presence in the match is not needed at all. Hunter is only in the match to stroke his ego but i do hope he does the right thing and listens to the people who want Daniel Bryan to win. I am one of those people who want D-Bryan to win tonight. 
CM Punk vs Brock Lesnar w/ Paul Heyman 
this has all the hype to be one of the biggest match on a WWE PPV in over a year since Rock vs Cena. Only difference is I think more people are looking forward to this because they didn't have to wait a year for it. To be honest I think it would work out better for Brock to win, then come out with a rematch next month were Punk wins, and then Punk winning the Series. 


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