How I would book it Part 4..... WWF 1995

onday July 17th Monday Night Raw: Nashville, TN
Waylon Mercy vignette, Razor Ramon def. 123 Kid, Mabel w/ Moe vs Yokozuna w/ James Cornette, Jeff Jarrett & Skip w/ Sunny def. Brian & Brad Armstrong (Jeff pins Brad), highlights of Undertaker/Million Dollar Corporation, Aldo Montoya def. Henry Godwin, Backstage: Diesel is seen in his locker room; Shawn Michaels walks in and says “Hey, Chill Big D; I seem to remember a time when we were friends, even inseparable then it changed. Big D you got here before me and now you have to deal with Bret & my ex-bodyguard who has a bigger ego then me or you. “So what do you want Shawn” said Diesel, Shawn adds “I know Sid like the back of my hand and you hate Bret so let’s settle this. We won’t be friends again all I am saying is combine our common interest I want to get revenge on Sid & you want to silence your critics. Diesel says deal. Heavenly Bodies def. Allied Powers (Tom pins Luger), Bam-Bam Bigelow w/ Ted DiBiase def. Barry Horowitz via DQ (Post Match: The lights went out Undertaker’s music began to play the smoke filled the arena), Bret Hart def. Shawn Michaels w/ Diesel, announced for In Your House 2: Diesel & Shawn Michaels vs Bret Hart & Psycho Sid, Men on a Mission vs Yokozuna & Owen Hart, Barry Horowitz vs Hunter Hearst Helmsley
Saturday July 22nd Superstars: Memphis, TN

Henry Godwin def. Justin Wilson, Waylon Mercy def. Austin Johnson, Heavenly Bodies def. Jeff Darling & Jason Daniels (Del Ray pins Jeff), 123 Kid def. Edward Wood, Razor Ramon def. IRS w/ Ted DiBiase
Sunday July 23rd In Your House 2: Charlotte, NC
(c) Barry Horowitz def. Hunter Hearst Helmsley via DQ to retain the IC Championship, Allied Powers def. Heavenly Bodies (Smith pins Tom), Alundra Blayze def. Bertha Faye, Adam Bomb, Skip, Jeff Jarrett w/ Sunny def. Savio Vega, Bob Holly, Bob Backlund (Bomb pins Holly), Undertaker w/ Paul Bearer def. Bam-Bam Bigelow w/ Ted DiBiase, 123 Kid def. Razor Ramon, Mabel w/ Moe def. Yokozuna w/ Owen Hart & Jim Cornette, Headshrinkers def. Bushwhackers (Fatu pins Luke), Shawn Michaels & Diesel def. Bret Hart & Psycho Sid (Shawn pins Bret)
Monday July 24th Monday Night Raw: Ashville, NC

Highlights of In Your House 2, Savio Vega def. Hakushi, Adam Bomb w/ Harvey Whippleman def. Justin Wilson, Alundra Blayze def. (c) Bertha Faye to win the Women’s Title, Jeff Jarrett def. Sparky Plug, (c) Barry Horowitz def. Hunter Hearst Helmsley to retain the IC Championship, Allied Powers def. Headshrinkers (Luger pins Seone), Bob Backlund def. Skip w/ Sunny, Men on a Mission def. Yokozuna & Owen Hart w/ Jim Cornette via DQ (Cornette gets his team DQ seeing they might lose), Promo for SummerSlam, Psycho Sid def. Local Jobbers, Undertaker w/ Paul Bearer def. King Kong Bundy, Razor Ramon & Bret Hart def. Shawn Michaels & Bam-Bam Bigelow w/ Ted DiBiase (Ramon pins Bigelow)
Saturday July 29th Superstars: Ashville, NC

Yokozuna & Owen Hart w/ Jim Cornette def. Allied Powers (Yoko pins Luger), Brooklyn Brawler def. Skip w/ Sunny, Dean Douglas Vignette, Waylon Mercy def. Steve Jones, Smoking Guns def. Bushwhackers (Bart pins Luke), Hunter Hearst Helmsley def. Aldo Montoya, Henry Godwin def. Hakushi, Alundra Blayze def. Bertha Faye, (c) Barry Horowitz def. Man Mountain Rock via Submission
Monday July 31st Monday Night Raw: Columbia, SC
Bam-Bam Bigelow w/ Ted DiBiase def. Razor Ramon (Post Match: Undertaker challenges Bam-Bam Bigelow to a Casket Match at SummerSlam. Bigelow says no.) Bret Hart vs Diesel is Main Event, Blu Brothers def. Tekno Team 2000 (Eli pins Troy), Mabel w/ Moe def. Owen Hart w/ Jim Cornette, Skip & Jeff Jarrett w/ Sunny def. Bob Holly & Duke Droese, King Kong Bundy w/ Ted DiBiase def. Doink The Clown, Psycho Sid def. Man Mountain Rock, Hype for Sid’s World Title Shot at SummerSlam, Headshrinkers def. Allied Powers (Seone pins Smith), Savio Vega pins Rad Radford, Diesel def. Bret Hart (Shawn Michaels was on commentary)
Saturday August 5th Superstars:
Dean Douglas Vignette, Waylon Mercy def. Tekno Team 2000, IRS w/ Ted DiBiase def. Justin Adams, Men on a Mission def. Bushwhackers (Moe pins Butch), Jean Pierre Lafitte def. Wilson Madison, Savio Vega def. Skip w/ Sunny, Bam-Bam Bigelow w/ Ted DiBiase def. Man Mountain Rock
Monday August 7th Monday Night Raw:
Skip w/ Sunny def. Savio Vega (Sunny distracts Savio), Allied Powers def. Chad & Erik (Luger pins Erik), Razor Ramon def. Hunter Hearst Helmsley, Backstage: Ted DiBiase & IRS walk up to Hunter and Ted says he has a proposition for Helmsley. Helmsley says he’s listening. Highlights of Sid’s climb to the top of the mountain, Undertaker w/ Paul Bearer destroy Duke Droese (Post Match: Undertaker once again challenges Bam-Bam to a Casket Match at SummerSlam, but once again no Answer), (c) Owen Hart & Yokozuna def. Men on a Mission (Yoko pins Mabel) to retain the Tag Team Championship, Jeff Jarrett def. Henry Godwin, Video promo building up Diesel’s run as champion, Shawn Michaels def. (c) Barry Horowitz (Post Match: Shawn is celebrating like he won the World Title, yet this wasn’t even for the Intercontinental Title), Psycho Sid def. Bob Backlund w/ Diesel (Show ends with a face-off between Sid & Diesel)
Saturday August 12th Superstars:

Promo for SummerSlam on August 27th, Hunter Hearst Helmsley def. Wes Edison (Ted DiBiase is on commentary to explain the talk he had with Helmsley), Henry Godwin def. Steve Wilson, Backstage: Savio Vega is being interviewed about the problems he has had with Sunny & Skip. He says “The only reason Skip beat me on Raw is because of his punta girlfriend stuck her nose were it didn’t belong. Skip you better keep your girl away from me because if she costs me another match I won’t be the one who gets distracted. “(c) Barry Horowitz def. Skip w/ Sunny (Savio Vega came to ringside to watch the match), Lex Luger w/ Davey Boy Smith def. Owen Hart w/ Yokozuna & Jim Cornette
Monday August 14th Monday Night Raw:
Gorilla Monsoon starts the show off by announcing a contract signing between Psycho Sid & Diesel for next week. He also asks the fans if they want to see Undertaker face Bam-Bam Bigelow in a Casket Match. The fans cheer for it so Monsoon makes it official Undertaker vs Bam-Bam at Summerslam in a Casket Match. Jeff Jarrett def. Bob Holly, Dean Douglas vignette, Owen Hart & Yokozuna w/ Jim Cornette def. Allied Powers (Post Match: Davey Boy attacks Lex Luger from be hide and drops him with the Calgary Stampede. Then leaves with Owen, Yoko, & Cornette), Undertaker w/ Paul Bearer def. King Kong Bundy, Announced Sid will finally get his hands on Michaels tonight as he faces who Diesel fought at Mania, (c) Barry Horowitz def. Jerry Lawler via Submission,  Alundra Blayze def. Terra Rose, Psycho Sid w/ Bret Hart def. Shawn Michaels w/ Diesel
Saturday August 19th Superstars:

Brooklyn Brawler & Rad Radford def. Alex Wilson & Jack Carter (Brawler pins Carter), Davey Boy Smith w/ Jim Cornette def. Nick Daniels (Post Match: Jim Cornette grabs the mic and says “Say hello to my new client the British Bulldog. For those who may not know Bulldog dumped the dead weight on Monday and made the right decision by joining Camp Cornette. Lex Luger runs in to try and get his hands on Bulldog but Bulldog & Cornette run from the ring. Men on a Mission def. Headshrinkers, Savio Vega def. Jeff Jarrett (Post Match: Skip runs in and attacks Savio for the comments he made last week then Jarrett joins in making it 2 on 1. Then both Jarrett & Skip leave together with Sunny), Waylon Mercy def. Aldo Montoya, Smoking Guns def. Tekno Team 2000 (Billy pins Troy)
Monday August 21st Monday Night Raw:
Promo for Summerslam, (c) Barry Horowitz def. Bart Gunn w/ Billy Gunn (Post Match: Shawn Michaels runs in and attacks Horowitz, he ends up whacking Barry with the Intercontinental Title, then Shawn steals the title.) Jerry Lawler def. Doink the Clown, Dean Douglas vignette, Headshrinkers def. Blu Brothers (Fatu pins Eli), Aldo Montoya def. Hakushi, Lex Luger def. Waylon Mercy, Bam-Bam Bigelow w/ Ted DiBiase def. Henry Godwin, Owen Hart & British Bulldog def. Bushwhackers, The Undertaker def. Man Mountain Rock, Jeff Jarrett def. Brooklyn Brawler, Backstage: Psycho Sid being interviewed he says “Diesel you have become an ego driven, loser, you’re not the true giant of the WWF I am and I will prove it on Sunday at Summerslam, when I will take your WWF Championship. Contract Signing for Sid’s World Title Match on Sunday: Diesel talks first telling Sid he better be ready because he’s never been tested by a man like him before. Sid tells Diesel your time is up that title will be mine on Sunday. Diesel slaps Sid which leads to a brawl soon after Gorilla Monsoon makes his way out an announces a Special Ref for the title match named Bret “Hitman” Hart
Saturday August 26th Superstars:

Jeff Jarrett vs Savio Vega (Draw) Skip ran out and attacks Savio leading to another 2 on 1 attack but then Brian Armstrong runs out to make the save for Savio. Jeff then looks like he saw a ghost seeing Brian back in the ring. Shawn Michaels def. Wilson Johnson, Smoking Guns def. Brooklyn Brawler & Rad Radford (Bart pins Rad), Promo for SummerSlam, Waylon Mercy def. Bushwhacker Butch, (c) Barry Horowitz def. Moe via Submission
Sunday August 27th Summerslam:
Brian Armstrong & Savio Vega def. Jeff Jarrett & Skip w/ Sunny (Brian pins Jeff), (c) Barry Horowitz def. Shawn Michaels via DQ when Dean Douglas shows up and attacks Barry and then knocks out Shawn Michaels, hype for Casket Match and the Main Event, Backstage: Diesel is being interviewed he says “It’s simple the WWF brass doesn’t want me to be World Champion anymore so they are stacking the deck against me. That no problem I have had the deck against the entire time I was champion because nobody thought I was ready for it and even less thought I should be champion still. Well if they want Sid to be champ he has to beat me for the belt I am not going to give it to him. Owen Hart, Yokozuna & British Bulldog def. Lex Luger, & Men on a Mission (Bulldog pins Luger), Casket Match: Undertaker w/ Paul Bearer def. Bam-Bam Bigelow w/ Ted DiBiase (Post Match: Undertaker’s druids take the Casket containing Bam-Bam Bigelow away), Backstage: Interview with Bret Hart, when asked if he will call it right down the middle; Bret says “I will be an unbiased ref tonight in the World title match as long they don’t make me get biased. I like everyone else here want to see a good fair match let’s see if Sid & Diesel let it be fair.” World Championship Match w/ Special Ref- Bret “Hitman” Hart: (c) Diesel def. Psycho Sid to retain the WWF World Championship


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