WWE: Daniel Bryan vs Randy Orton

Many fans that are apart of the IWC say that Bryan vs Orton is just a combo of Austin/McMahon & HHH/Jericho. I disagree completely with these statements because Bryan-Orton's feud do have similarities to those other feuds I mentioned but are in no way the same. Austin, Hunter, Vince, & Jericho can all push a feud further because of how good they are on the mic, but Bryan and Orton aren't as good as above names on the mic, which takes out that aspect of the feud unless adding another name in it who can talk. Bryan is a better wrestler then both Hunter & Austin but Jericho is better in that area. I could see the connection in away to the Jericho-Hunter feud but outside of the fast count and the title getting vacant there are no other connections. Wrestling fans just need to be happy that a feud like this is happening because I think this is best TV we have seen from WWE in a while. As they needed to do something big with Cena going on the shelf long-term which makes why they saved Orton's turn.

Now let's take a look below at Orton vs Bryan feud as it has gone down:

Daniel Bryan vs Randy Orton: Night of Champions 2013

The Match that started it all: Daniel Bryan vs John Cena (SummerSlam 2013)
WWE's next PPV: Battleground


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