Interview with Tim Donst

Q: For the readers who may not know who you are why not give a little background of who you are & how you got into the Wrestling business?
I've been wrestling for roughly 6 years. I first got involved through CHIKARA PRO after being trained by Mike Quackenbush and Chris Hero. Since than I've been lucky enough to wrestle all over the United States.

Q: When you were growing up were you a wrestling fan or no and if not where you aware of it?
I got into wrestling later than most people in my profession. I got into it when I was maybe 12 or 13 but was hooked since.

Q: If you were a fan growing up was there any wrestlers specifically who made you say I am going to do this and be like them
I wrestled in highschool so Kurt Angle would be the first answer off the top of my head. I really respected what he did for the amateur sport. Though Brian Kendrick was the first guy that made me believe I could do it too. Getting to wrestle him was surreal because of this.
Q: Who is the best opponent you have been in the ring with, & who did you enjoy feuding with the most?
I've been lucky enough to be in the ring with some of the greats. Everyone is particular good in something. Though by matches with Kendrick, Bryan Danielson, Mad Man Pondo and Derrick Bateman come to mind. Bj Whitmer and Hallowhicked are both two of the most underrated talented wrestlers on the planet. I enjoyed my feud with Hallowhicked by far the most. 

Q: If you could have a dream match with anyone in the wrestling active or retired who would you pick and why.
The Rock. It would be so much exposure and the 13 year old kid in me would be going crazy.
Q: Also what type of match would it be Singles, Tag Team, Multi Man, Gimmick match, etc and if there was any specific reason to pick the stipulation?
Singles, straight up wrestling match and nothing to get in our way in terms of showing what we can do.

Q: Which of the 3 “mainstream” wrestling companies do you view as the company that best fits you and your character? Also have you ever spoken to former employees from the company asking them what happens behind the curtains in a company and would it impact your choice to go to a company? (The Mainstream companies ROH, TNA, WWE)
WWE followed by ROH. I try to stay out of politics as much as possible. It makes me feel like Im trading in my morals for business which I refuse to do. I just believe between my promos and abilities, I can bring alot to the table to those two companies.
I'd like to thank Mr. Donst for being so approchable and appreciative actually that even I sent for the interview. I have been asking wrestlers for interviews like this for 2 years now and he's the first to show appreciation to me. Give Tim a follow on twitter (@tdonst) and support Indy Wrestling.


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