How I would book it WWF 1995..... Part 7

Monday October 23rd Monday Night Raw:

Marty Jannetty def. Bob Backlund, Highlights of In Your House 4, Headshrinkers def. Brooklyn Brawler & Aldo Montoya (Seone pins Aldo), Backstage: An angry Shawn Michaels is being interviewed about last night he says “It was a fluke that Barry won last night, if I knew Unabomber was right behind him I wouldn’t have super kicked Barry. The fact that Barry only won the match last night because of me proves I should be Intercontinental Champion, and that I am better the Barry Horowitz. This is why I am challenging him to a match tonight for the title I should rightfully have. Jeff Jarrett def. Savio Vega, Bret Hart def. British Bulldog, Goldust def. Louie Spicolli via Count-Out, (c) The Undertaker w/ Paul Bearer def. Mabel
Saturday October 28th Superstars:

Savio Vega def. Raymond Roy, Blacksmith def. Waylon Mercy, Hunter Hearst Helmsley & 123 Kid w/ Ted DiBiase def. Chad Fortune & Tony DeVito (Hunter pins Chad), British Bulldog w/ Jim Cornette def. Matt Hardy, Louie Spicolli def. Brian Armstrong, Jeff Jarrett def. Goldust
Monday October 30th Monday Night Raw:

123 Kid w/ Ted DiBiase def. Brooklyn Brawler, Backstage Barry Horowitz is being interviewed about the actions of Shawn Michaels the last couple of months he says “I am sick of people thinking I am a joke and don’t deserve to be champion. I paid my dues like anyone else and you know I love it when people underestimate me so I can surprise them when I beat them. Shawn Michaels you can speak all you want about you think your better than me or deserve this title more than me but actions speak louder than words. Ahmed Johnson vignette, Diesel def. Blacksmith, Bret Hart vs Undertaker hyped as Main Event, Lex Luger def. Owen Hart (Post Match: Luger says “Bulldog you may think your better than me because you beat me but last time I checked it was one win each. So that means we need one more match to solve this Loser Leaves the WWF), Louie Spicolli, Jeff Jarrett, & Skip w/ Sunny def. Marty Jannetty, Avitar, & Aldo Montoya (Louie pins Avitar), Bret Hart def. The Undertaker w/ Paul Bearer via DQ when Bam-Bam Bigelow runs in and attacks Undertaker
Saturday November 4th Superstars:

Smoking Guns def. Blu Brothers (Bart pins Eli), Fatu def. Mike Bell, Ahmed Johnson def. Aldo Montoya, Dean Douglas w/ Unabomber def. Scott Taylor, Razor Ramon def. Travis Williams, Jean Pierre Lafitte is being interviewed he says “I am sick and tired of classless, ungrateful, & un-athletic Americans like the people I have seen taking my spot on WWF television. It’s sickening when a true Wrestler can’t do his job because untalented people take his spot.  Well it will not happen anymore because starting now I Jean Pierre Lafitte will fight to get those who deserve a spot the spot they deserve from those who don’t deserve anything.” Goldust def. Louie Spicolli (Post Match: Jeff Jarrett, Skip, & Louie all attack Goldust, all 3 of the guys get there shots in before they leave him lying)
Monday November 6th Monday Night Raw:

Shawn Michaels def. Waylon Mercy (Post Match: Michaels grabs a mic and says “Barry it seems like I made you were mad last week, good now I want to cash in and take what should be mine the Intercontinental title. Barry I challenge you to a title match Next week on RAW and if you are the fighting champion you say you’ll accept my challenge.) Highlights of Last week’s RAW, Louie Spicolli w/ Skip & Sunny def. Bart Gunn w/ Billy via DQ when Skip & Jarrett attack Bart then Billy jumps in to help his brother and is attack by Louie. Then Goldust comes down wielding a chair to make the save. Ahmed Johnson def. Henry Godwin, 123 Kid & Hunter Hearst Helmsley w/ Ted DiBiase def. (c) Men on a Mission (Hunter pins Mabel), Undertaker, Bret Hart & Lex Luger vs British Bulldog, Bam-Bam Bigelow & Owen Hart is the Main Event, Barry Horowitz def. Fatu, Survivor Series hype for November 19th, Undertaker, Bret Hart, & Lex Luger w/ Paul Bearer def. British Bulldog, Bam-Bam Bigelow, & Owen Hart w/ James Cornette (Undertaker pins Hart)
Saturday November 11th Superstars:
Marty Jannetty def. Avitar, Ahmed Johnson def. Michael Droese, Brooklyn Brawler & Aldo Montoya def. Skip & Jeff Jarrett w/ Sunny (Post Match: Skip & Jarrett attack Aldo & Brawler, then Louie runs in to help making it 3 on 2. But then Smoking Guns & Goldust run in to stack the deck against the heels running them off.) Dean Douglas w/ Unabomber def. Rick Bogner, Razor Ramon def. Luke Williams, History Package for Michaels & Horowitz feud, Blacksmith def. Jerry Lawler, Barry Horowitz calls out Shawn Michaels for a fight saying if you really want to fight why wait till Monday let’s do it tonight I am tired of the insults, I am tired of being called a joke, I am may not have fought in the big matches other champions have but I have fought to win and keep this title, I deserve this championship. Shawn Michaels comes from behind Horowitz and hits him with the Super kick knocking him down. Then Shawn picks up and poses with the IC championship.
Monday November 13th Monday Night Raw:
Michaels vs Horowitz for the Intercontinental title is hyped for later, Aldo Montoya w/ Smoking Guns def. Louie Spicolli w/ Jeff Jarrett & Skip (Post Match: Jarrett, Skip, & Louie attempt to attack Aldo post match but it the Guns stop them and send them back without a fight), 123 Kid def. Fatu, Bam-Bam Bigelow def. Unabomber w/ Dean Douglas, Blu Brothers def. Smoking Guns (Jarrett & Skip distract the Guns costing them the match), Ahmed Johnson def. Owen Hart w/ Yokozuna & Jim Cornette (Post Match: Yokozuna gets in Ahmed’s face which leads to Ahmed knocking Yoko down), Diesel def. Lex Luger, Savio Vega def. Avitar, Intercontinental Championship Match: Shawn Michaels def. (c) Barry Horowitz (Shawn uses a foreign object to win), Backstage: Diesel is being interviewed and is yelling “it was my belt I was the champion for almost a year but then someone In charge wanted a new champion so I lose the title. Well I get a rematch clause and I will get my title back, Undertaker I will see you at Survivor Series. British Bulldog def. Bret Hart
Saturday November 18th Superstars:

Razor Ramon def. Duane Gil, Ahmed Johnson vs Yokozuna is announced for RAW on Monday, Goldust def. Mike Bell (Post Match: Jean Pierre Lafitte comes out and says “This was exactly what I was talking about jokes like Goldust and others taking the spot I deserve. Jean then tells Goldust you need to be taught a lesson, then Jarrett & Spicolli attack Goldust from behind and Jean joins in. Then Douglas & Skip run to make 5 on 1. Before long the Smoking Guns, Brooklyn Brawler & Aldo Montoya runs in to make the save and a big brawl takes place.) Marty Jannetty def. Waylon Mercy, Announcers put over Horowitz’s run with the title and the rematch between Barry & Shawn happening on Sunday & they announce that a 5 on 5 elimination match has been signed Team Goldust vs Team Jarrett for Sunday. Blu Brothers def. Bushwhackers (Eli pins Butch), Announcers hype all the matches for Survivor Series
Sunday November 19th Survivor Series:

Yokozuna & Owen Hart def. (c) Men on a Mission to win the Tag Titles when Mable turns on Moe (Owen pins Moe), Hunter Hearst Helmsley w/ Ted DiBiase def. Fatu, 5 on 5 Elimination Match: Team Jarrett def. Team Goldust (Skip pins Goldust), Intercontinental Title Match: (c) Shawn Michaels def. Barry Horowitz to retain the Intercontinental Title (Post Match: Razor Ramon walks out and he attacks Barry Horowitz then proceeds to lay him out with a Razor’s Edge), History Package for Diesel & Undertaker, Bret Hart def. Bam-Bam Bigelow, Loser Leaves Match: British Bulldog def. Lex Luger, WWF Championship Match: (c) Undertaker w/ Paul Bearer def. Diesel to retain the WWF Title


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