How I would book it WWF 1995..... Part 8

Monday November 20th Monday Night Raw:

Dean Douglas w/ Unabomber def. Butch Miller, Highlights of Survivor Series, Smoking Guns def. Jeff Jarrett & Louie Spicolli (Bart pins Louie), Marty Jannetty def. Savio Vega, Yokozuna w/ Jim Cornette def. Ahmed Johnson (Owen Hart distracts Ahmed allowing Yoko to win), Bam-Bam Bigelow def. Henry Godwin, 123 Kid & Hunter Hearst Helmsley w/ Ted DiBiase def. Moe & Bob Howard (Kid pins Moe), British Bulldog w/ Jim Cornette def. Brooklyn Brawler (Post Match: Bulldog grabs a mic and says “The WWF will recognize that the best is right here when 1996 becomes the year of the British Bulldog after I win the WWF Championship and become the first Englishman to win the WWF Title.) Diesel vs Bret Hart is announced as Main Event, Barry Horowitz def. Skip w/ Sunny, Mabel def. Local Talent in a Handicap Match, Backstage: Barry Horowitz is being interviewed about the attack from Razor Ramon last night he says “Why Razor, Why did you attack me last night I thought we were friends. I thought you were a man, I thought you had enough respect for me to confront me face to face if you had a problem with me. I was wrong Razor if you wanted fight all you had to do was ask.” Skip w/Sunny def. Michael Droese, Main Event hype, Bob Backlund def. Jean Pierre Lafitte, Bret Hart def. Diesel (Post Match: Bret and the Undertaker face-off)
Saturday November 25th Superstars:

Aldo Montoya & Brooklyn Brawler def. Matt Hardy & Rick Allen (Aldo pins Rick), Unabomber w/ Dean Douglas def. Joseph Arhndt, Tatanka def. Charlie Hunter, Ahmed Johnson def. Blacksmith (Post Match: Ahmed challenges Owen Hart to a match next week on RAW after costing him the match on Monday), Razor Ramon def. Ken Rapper, Announcers are told that Razor said he will explain his actions from Survivor Series this week on RAW, “Supreme Fighting Machine” Kama def. Savio Vega, (c) Shawn Michaels def. Steve Dunn
Monday November 27th Monday Night Raw:

Smoking Guns def. 123 Kid & Hunter Hearst Helmsley w/ Ted DiBiase (Billy pins Hunter), Barry Horowitz def. Larry Santo (Post Match: Razor walks out with a mic and tells Barry why he attacked him “Horowitz you seemed mad last week so I waited to tell you I attacked you. But now you seem ok so now seems like as good a time as any, Barry for the last 5 months you took my spot, took my opportunities and most of made a living with my title. If it wasn’t for a distraction you would have never the IC title; no matter how long you held and no matter who you beat you will always be a joke because you never beat the champion. Horowitz you never beat me fair and square and you never will because I am always one step ahead of you.” Fatu attacks Barry from behind allowing Razor to come in the ring from the ramp and yet again drop Barry with the Razor’s Edge), Dean Douglas def. Mark Starr, British Bulldog w/ Jim Cornette def. Moe, Jeff Jarrett def. Aldo Montoya, Owen Hart w/ Jim Cornette def. Ahmed Johnson via DQ when Camp Cornette runs down to the ring and making it 3 on 1. But then Marty Jannetty runs in to help Ahmed. Bam-Bam Bigelow & Diesel def. Undertaker & Bret Hart w/ Paul Bearer (Bigelow pins Hart)
Saturday December 2nd Superstars:

Henry Godwin def. Jake Steele, “Supreme Fighting Machine” Kama def. Avitar, Jean Pierre Lafitte open challenge match: Buddy Landell def. Jean Pierre Lafitte, Fatu def. Tony Roy & John Crystal, Diesel def. Terry Richards, Ahmed Johnson & Marty Jannetty def. Phil Apollo & John Rasher (Marty pins Phil), Billy Gunn w/ Bart Gunn def. Owen Hart w/ Jim Cornette
Monday December 4th Monday Night Raw:

Goldust def. Dean Douglas w/ Unabomber, Highlights of Last Week’s RAW, Savio Vega def. Henry Godwin, Announcers report that over the weekend Shawn Michaels was attacked outside of a nightclub in Syracuse, NY by 4 guys, and Shawn will miss action because of it as he suffered various injuries. We are being told Shawn suffered injured ribs, a concussion, cuts & bone bruises as well. The status of IC title is up in the air at this time. Owen Hart & Yokozuna w/ Jim Cornette def. Mike Bell & Scott Taylor (Post Match: Owen grabs a mic and calling out Ahmed Johnson & Marty he says “We are sick of you two phonies trying to be a tag team. It’s time me and Yoko squash you like the bugs you are, before Owen can continue Ahmed’s music interrupts and Marty says “ok why not try and teach us a lesson now.” Camp Cornette leave the ring and Owen says “Not tonight, but it will be all bad for you two.” British Bulldog w/ Jim Cornette vs Undertaker w/ Paul Bearer is announced for Main Event, Tatanka def. Skip w/ Sunny, Diesel def. Michael Droese, Backstage: Bam-Bam Bigelow is being interviewed about the World Title picture “Well it’s about time I start getting my recognition for all I have done this year, and the fact that Diesel has gotten his shots vs Undertaker, and don’t even get me start on Hart. I beat Bret Hart last week so there is no reason why Bret should get the shot and not me. I will even beat Bret again in a One on One match to prove I can beat him.” (c) Undertaker w/ Paul Bearer def. British Bulldog w/ Jim Cornette
Saturday December 9th Superstars:
Razor Ramon w/ Fatu def. Roy Raymond, Mabel destroys local talents in a Handicap Match, Hunter Hearst Helmsley & 123 Kid w/ Ted DiBiase def. Smoking Guns after a distraction from who seems to be DiBiase’s new client (Kid pins Bart), Savio Vega def. Skip w/ Sunny, Barry Horowitz def. Buddy Landell (Post Match: Horowitz speaks on the situation with Razor, “From my point of view on what has been going on between me and Razor Ramon, I feel like my friend stabbed me in the back. Razor as far as I am concerned that is the worst thing anyone can is stab a friend in the back. I am not going down without a fight weather it’s two on one or not I don’t care Razor, I want a fight and I am going to kick you’re a**.”
Monday December 11th Monday Night Raw:
Hyped for tonight: we find the identity of DiBiase newest client, Bam-Bam Bigelow’s challenge was accepted the Main Event is Bigelow vs Bret Hart, and Razor’s rebuttal to what Barry said on Saturday. Hunter Hearst Helmsley w/ Ted DiBiase def. Henry Godwin, Ahmed Johnson & Marty Jannetty def. Louie Spicolli & Skip w/ Sunny (Post Match: A pissed off Skip attacks Louie Spicolli and yells at Sunny saying I deserve better find me better or your fired.) Hype for In Your House 5, Ahmed Johnson def. Yokozuna, It is announced that this Sunday the Intercontinental Title will be on the line in a Battle Royal to determine the new champion after the injuries sustained to Shawn Michaels & tonight’s main event is a #1 Contender Match, Ted DiBiase comes out and introduces his new client his name is….. The Ringmaster. The Ringmaster w/ Ted DiBiase def. Bob Howard, Backstage: Razor Ramon is being interviewed about the events that have taken place between him and Horowitz he says “Barry, we were friends and if anyone of us stabbed the other in the back it was you to me not the other way around. You stole my title without giving me a chance to get it back, then made a joke out of me because nobody thought I could beat you well Barry it’s over I will prove everyone wrong because I am going to show just exactly why I am the Bad Guy. Bam-Bam Bigelow def. Bret Hart to become #1 Contender to the World Title at In Your House 5
Saturday December 16th Superstars:

Aldo Montoya & Brooklyn Brawler def. Scott Taylor & Steve Steele (Brawler pins Steele), “Supreme Fighting Machine” Kama def. Buddy Landell, Smoking Guns vs Hunter Hearst Helmsley & 123 Kid w/ Ted DiBiase ends in a Draw when Time Limit expires, Video Package promoting the history between Undertaker & Bigelow, Owen Hart w/ Jim Cornette def. Marty Jannetty
Sunday December 17th In Your House 5:

The Ringmaster w/ Ted DiBiase def. Bushwhacker Butch, Hype for the World Title Match, Intercontinental Title Battle Royal: Ahmed Johnson, #1 Contender Match for Tag Team Titles: Smoking Guns def. Hunter Hearst Helmsley & 123 Kid w/ Ted DiBiase (Billy pins Hunter), Barry Horowitz def. Razor Ramon via DQ after Fatu tried to help Razor win but ended getting him DQ’ed. They beat on Barry after the match and leave him down in the ring. Backstage: Skip and Sunny are seen arguing and Skip tells her if she hasn’t found anyone by tomorrow night she’s fired. Sunny says she has but Skip will have to wait till tomorrow. WWF World Title Match: (c) Undertaker w/ Paul Bearer def. Bam-Bam Bigelow to retain the World Title
Monday December 18th Monday Night Raw: Last Show

The Ringmaster, Hunter Hearst Helmsley, & 123 Kid w/ Ted DiBiase def. Mo, Avitar, & Michael Droese (Kid pins Avitar), (c) Ahmed Johnson def. Owen Hart w/ Jim Cornette to retain the Intercontinental Title, Henry Godwin def. Buddy Landell, Skip & Zip (Tom Pritchard) w/ Sunny def. Aldo Montoya & Brooklyn Brawler (Skip pins Aldo) Post Match: Skip, Zip & Sunny all celebrate and then Sunny grabs a mic an introduce everyone to the Bodydonnas, Goldust def. Bob Backlund, British Bulldog & Jim Cornette make their way to the ring and Bulldog offers an Open Challenge to anyone he says “I am the strongest man in the WWF and I will prove it.” British Bulldog w/ Jim Cornette def. Blacksmith, Smoking Guns def. Bushwhackers (Bart pins Luke), Bret Hart def. Bam-Bam Bigelow


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