How I would book it WWF 1995..... Finale



I believe I am leaving the WWF in a good position for 1996, both talent wise and feud wise as well let’s take a look: Talent they have, Shawn Michaels, Razor Ramon, Ahmed Johnson, Undertaker, Diesel, Barry Horowitz, Bret Hart, Bam-Bam Bigelow, & Camp Cornette. Also coming they have Mankind along with newcomers like Johnson, The Ringmaster who will be renamed next year once he leaves Money Inc. Feud wise I would continue Barry vs Razor, start Bret vs Undertaker up until Royal Rumble have Bret win the title, then in the rematch have Mankind debut and cost Taker the belt. Then Shawn would return at the Rumble and win, go for the belt at Mania vs Bret and win. So I think WWF is in a good spot for the New Year. A little criticism I saw as I looked back not getting most out of some guys on the roster. Like, Razor Ramon, Jerry Lawler, Jeff Jarrett, Shawn Michaels, Triple H, Sean Waltman, & others. Also I think I kind of got a little unreal with how I used Horowitz I was just looking for that shock value.
Stay Tuned as you never know where the next How I Would Book It will take us!!!


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