Hogan not Happy with TNA

I just found out that Hulk Hogan is unhappy with how TNA handled his daughter Brooke's release from the company. He feels they should have informed him first and allowed him to handle it as oppose to the way they did it. Which was letting her go without giving him notice. I think they are both in the wrong here as TNA could have told Hulk that they were letting Brooke go; but Hulk has to notice this isn't his company and he doesn't have a say in who gets let go or in the matter they do. Now an interesting note, this past set of Impact taping's was the first time Dixie, Hulk, & Eric were together backstage in while. Also with Hogan's contract ending on October 1st will next week's Impact be the last one for Hulk or will TNA settle.

Keep an eye on your Wrestling News sites for the most updated information. As for what I think well, I think that some fans may get what they wanted which is Hulk off TNA TV. I will be sure post more when I find it.


What's going to happen tomorrow night on Impact tune in on Spike 9et/8pt


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