WWE: Talent Roster

Over the last 5 years the WWE has fired people for know good reason and screwed up not doing the right things with people who deserve better then they got. But I am only going to look at now I will save the look back for the newest Blog Series debuting in a couple of weeks. 2 or 3 years ago it was said WWE was going to move to the Young Push like in the mid 90's but, because of the lack of booking ability & patients shown by the creative team & Vince it was stopped almost completely in more ways the one. First way was politics people say this exists in every promotion they are wrong it doesnt happen in TNA or any small market company it doesnt even happen in Japan. Vince trust his stars to make the best decision that would benefit the business in the long run but thats not what really happends. I mean you know the company has a politcs problem if they have golden boys that dont get punished just get warned because that make the company lots of money. Thats not right if anyone makes a mistake they should be punished for it with a suspension, fine, or even getting fired. Because in this business one always needs a back up plan just in case well Vince doesnt have that which is why the Golden Boys can do No Wrong. If a bad attitude can stop a push for an up an commer than it should also stop the push for a Major star as well. It may not be a wise business decision but its fair and thats what should matter being fair & just to all the stars in your company. That is not just the fan talking inside of me its the person also knows a lot about the business and if you ask any promoter they will tell most of the time people who play politics destroy a company inside & out. I really havent addressed any other problem but now i will about the fact that they dont give the young talent a chance to show what they have & a chance to fail before they job them out and fire them in the long run. Which doesnt help the nerves that the young guys must have when they come up knowing if the dont succeed in the first couple of weeks they will probably be job out sooner than later. Also the people who the WWE make seem like the best really arent the best in the world or ever for the most part are far from it. I wasnt going to say names but why not people like Kane (2010), Orton, Cena, HHH (2002-2003), Del Rio, & others are made out to be the best but they arent. Two perfect examples of the double standard is recently when a certain high flyer got suspended for taking a banned substance & a major star didnt because he was getting a main event match at an upcoming ppv i wonder who it was. Then back in 2007 when a certain reptile was among the talent suspended for violating the talent wellness policy but still got his main event push. Then in 2009 a certain West African star was getting a Main Event push in a feud vs a certain apex predator but the push was stopped because he botch an match ending just one now floats around the mid card. Does that seem fair & is that a double standard or is it just me hmmm I wonder what else is wrong with the WWE.


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