The truth about WWE

All the dirtsheets are reporting that WWE has seen that the talent roster baiscally isnt as strong as it once was & that the people on the roster now are content with what they have and arent striving for more. I believe this is true because, Jim Ross said the same thing in a past blog post on his site. This just means that WWE isnt as delusional as TNA is when it comes to certain things pertaining to the company. Because this is the truth and anyone can see that the WWE talent roster is drastically different then it was in past years, the sad part is that it has taken them this long this when it has been obvisous for the last couple years. The WWE doesnt believe in giving the creative freedom they once did & they dont believe in giving the pushes they once did. There is way to much politics going on nowadays which isnt benefiting business for the WWE its hurting them in the way its preventing new stars from surfacing unless they have the backing of someone backstage. Just look at the pushes that have been halted over the past couple of years ask around guranteed most of them were stopped because of political pull. Honestly how could they say that the talents arent motivated if they arent doing anything to motivate them to get better c'mon it doesnt take a genius to figure that out. Also the creative isnt coming with anything to give them that chance to make the jump from where they are to where they could be. That my friends is the real problem not that the talent isnt motivated cause i am sure if you ask the guys that are rarely seen on Raw or Smackdown this they will tell you they are motivated. Like I am sure Kidd, Hawkins, Barretta, McIntyre, Tatsu, Jackson, Swagger, & the list goes on an on of motivated people on the roster. But for how long do they stay motivated before they have an attitude change & get obnoxious, or uncaring, or intolerable to work with. If that happends they will only have to blame themselves I mean it makes a difference if creative tries and it doesnt work on its own. But i have not even seen them try so how could they say the talent isnt motivated if they arent giving them a reason to be. Just because you dont have competition anymore doesnt mean you should treat the talent any different then they were treated back then. Also its ok that product changes because you cant always be innovative you would run out of ideas, & go under fast. But the product they have put out its worse then it should be i mean the titles are worthless now, and the matches are subpar. Its a shame how the Wrestling world has changed over the past 11 years it really is a damn shame.
*A little note here this will not be the last time i make mention to this snibit of News as there is a little more i can get out of the story. Also expect to see a new blog series coming in the very near future regarding part of the main discussion in this post and that was the Creative Team.


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