Wrestlemania Hype Up

Since WWE is going to be hyping up what many are calling the most anticipated match in WWE history The Rock vs John Cena at Wrestlemania 28 on April 1st in Miami, FL. Now I will say I am one of the millions of Rock's fans & one of the many who hate John Cena on TV. Now I will do my part to hype this match with WWE for the next 35 days but I will doing it in a different way every week this week starting with John Cena.
Now way back in 2002 John debuted in the WWE and began his career with a gimmick that no member of the WWE universe had seen before. This was because John was rapping, he would do little raps before his matches to get the fans amped up and it began to get over. This my friends started the push up the ladder for John but the reason is because of raps like this.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DtpNT4abcjI Rap on Brock

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kT5Z8MqO7bo rap on Angle

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CCqoAorsBMw rap on undertaker


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