How Far Will The Future Go

Two days ago news broke that WWE had finally signed Indy Circuit Star, Chris Hero after months of negotiating & drug testing the contract was finally signed. Now Chris joins former partner Claudio in FCW where he will learn how to wrestle a WWE match. I have no doubt that Chris will learn how to wrestle the WWE style and will get promoted because he is that good of a wrestler. He will also be bringing a sort of Japanese style of wrestling with him something that is unfamilar to most in the WWE. The one criticism that people have of this signing is that they dont think that Hero will live up to his potential. For those who dont know Hero & Punk are very good friends from prior to when Punk got signed so i think Hero's WWE career will be pretty good not that i like the idea of politics but if get someone to shut up then why not. Also from the great jobs Black & Moxley sorry I mean Ambrose & Rollins did in their house show matches it has been said that they changed how management looks at Indy stars. So if i had to predict unfortunately i dont see Kings of Wrestling teaming up in WWE because well tag team & WWE dont really mix. However i see a bright future for all 4 of them maybe not world title bright for Claudio & Chris being in their mid-30's an all but Mox & Rollins definitely should be the future of WWE. Best of luck to Chris Hero in the WWE i hope he does as good their as we all know he can do and shows just how good a wrestler he is. Because he Ko's with his kicks & concusses with his elbows He's that Young Knouckout Kid Chis Hero.


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