Bourne Again or Not So Much

Over the past couple of months WWE Superstar Evan Bourne has had some problems with Drugs and the upper management of WWE. Evan who started in WWE back in mid 2007 when he got signed to a developmental contract and sent to OVW then moved to FCW. Already an established named Evan moved quickly through FCW reaching WWE in Mid 2008 on the June 3 edition of ECW. I say already established because well he is prior to the signing to WWE Bourne was apart of many different indy companies ranging from ROH, TNA, IWA-MS, WSX, & a vast array of other companies. In his debut he fought Shelton Benjamin to a countout loss this lead to a short feud with Shelton & the early partnership stages with him & Kofi. After around a year on the ECW brand Bourne made his debut on RAW in a Gauntlet match coming up short against Randy Orton. His first big feud in WWE was against Chris Jericho which took place in mid 2010 near the time Chris left again. But unfortunately nothing came of it and Bourne went back to the low card & occasional mid card star we had come to know. The first accomplishment in Bourne's WWE career would happen in 2011 when he won the tag team titles with Kofi Kingston from McGilllicutty & Otunga. Then things started to go south for Bourne 3 months after winning the belts he gets Suspended for a wellness policy violation and is gone 30 days. While he is gone news breaks that he wasnt the only breaking company policy and that the other guy was a top guy and didnt get any type of punishment. From that point forward it seemed as though Bourne was in the doghouse because he rated out a top guy and apparently even though its the right thing to do it not WWE approved so he should not have done it. Then less than a month after he returns Bourne gets suspended again for another wellness policy violation this time its for 60 days. Many people within the company dont think bourne will be back even after his suspension is lifted they think his time in the WWE is over. I think that it should be over because WWE is wasting the talent he has & has shown all over the world prior to joining WWE. He could do especially well in companies who actually know how to use talented people like Bourne the right way and not bury him under people who actually play polictics rather those who dont like WWE does.

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