The Future is Coming: WWE Developmental

This post series will be highlighting the different talents that are showing there stuff down in the WWE performance center. Many of which the fans of WWE aren't aware before they debut with the main roster. I going to try and help bring some knowledge to this are willing to watch the matches I provide featuring current WWE developmental performers. Tonight we will start with "The Man that Gravity forgot and everyone will remember" former NXT Tag Team Champion Adrian Neville. Adrian has made quite an impact in NXT with his unique style and that makes him a very different and unique member of the WWE. Just watch as Adrian Neville who was once known as Pac dazzles the fans with what he can do in the ring: (I tried finding both Pac & Neville footage but footage of Neville is hard to come by)

Pac & Yoshino vs Richochet & Naruki Doi 

Tribute to Pac/Adrian Neville


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