Moment in Time 14

This blog series is all about looking back a memorable moments and or matches from the history of wrestling. These moments/matches are the ones that make people say I don't believe that, "Oh My God", or even a moment that you remember where you were when you first saw it.
Moment number fourteen started a pop culture phenomenon called Hulkamania, this era boosted the WWF to new heights and helped the WWF become the #1 Wrestling Company in the United States. But before Hulkamania said to eat your vitamins and say your prayers, Mr. Hulk Hogan had to defeat the Iron Sheik in January of 1984. After Hogan won the Match Hulkamania ran wild for 9 years ending at King of the Ring 1993 after he lost to Yokzuna and left the WWF.

Iron Sheik V.S. Hulk Hogan 1984


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