An Update on the Possible Sale of TNA

As of this writing one party is currently out of the running for purchasing TNA, now this undisclosed party was never the leader but was one of the rumored buyers that surfaced online. A different party however that met with TNA executives a few weeks ago has been the key party still interested is still in play. The main company is still in the mix and are talking positively about making the deal but it doesn't disclose a specific time period within which they want to close the deal. The new details that surfaced are that the undisclosed party wants full ownership of TNA as oppose to buying a percentage of the company.

The thing I believe that maybe holding things up is that it seems like the Carter Family may want to retain majority ownership of the company. But like I mentioned above the possible buyers want full ownership of the company not a percentage.

Also an interesting note, if the sale takes Jeff Jarrett is expected to gain even more power within the company since "he is more than likely a big factor in getting the deal going."


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