History Lesson: WWE V.S. TNA

In 2001 Vince McMahon bought wrestling by buying, ECW and WCW. WWF at the time had no competition, then TNA came about in 2002. Though they were not competition for WWF yet they would become competition in 2010.
On Jan 4th 2010 TNA and WWE Raw faced off on Monday and TNA pulled out all the ammo, as they had Jeff Hardy, RVD, Hulk Hogan, Eric Bischoff, Scott Hall, and X-Pac come in. WWE countered with Bret Hart, so it was really hard to choose which show to watch, but in my case after I saw Bret comeback make amends with Shawn Michaels then I went to TNA to see RVD, Jeff Hardy and Hulk Hogan come in. So really in my opinion TNA was pretty equal with WWE, especially when AJ Styles was with Ric Flair and they formed Fourtune and then RVD won the title. Once TNA brought in the ECW Originals or EV 2.0 to have a feud with Fourtune TNA was starting a down fall, but I was still hook with Abyss saying the 10-10-10 surprise. At 10-10-10 I was on the edge of my seat waiting for the surprise and then I found out it was Hulk Hogan and Eric Bischoff I turned off the TV and didn't watch TNA anymore.
But then June of 2012 when the Aces and Eight came in and I was hooked on TNA again considering the lack luster shows WWE put up in a 3-hour time slot. The Aces and Eight was the thing that made me start believe TNA was starting to get better then WWE and sure enough in my opinion TNA had surpassed WWE because of the childish product WWE had put up.
I was still hooked on TNA until a little bit after Bully Ray was found to be the leader of the Aces and Eights. After that I started to watch WWE get better and better and here we are today with WWE having multiple good feuds in The Authority V.S Big Show, Bryan V.S. Orton, Punk V.S. Heyman etc. As for TNA there on another down hill drop as there about to become under new management.


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