Musician to buy TNA?

As of now TNA's future may see Carter's involved in it as it seems the Carters will be selling majority ownership of TNA. This sell is coming after possibly one of the if not the worst year in TNA history, as TNA has been losing a lot of money via going on the road and not producing many live PPVs.
There have been many rumours about who will buy TNA, some examples are, Jeff Jarrett, Eric Bishcoff, Viacom, WWE, and even Jake Roberts. But now it seems that the person at the top of the buyers list is Smashing Pumpkins Guitarist/Singer and owner of Resitance Pro Wrestling (out of Chicago) Billy Corgan.
A Spokesperson for Corgan told Newsday this about Corgan buying TNA “There is no reason to comment on rumors. Billy is completely focused on Resistance Pro’s upcoming 2nd anniversary.” The Spokesperson never denied these rumors which doesn't mean Crogan is totally out of the Picture.
That is because he has been reportedly meeting with TNA officials.
Corgan also has reportedly got connections to someone very rich to help him in buying TNA. The Rich or Wealthy persons name is still undisclosed as of now though.


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