WWE vs TNA: Closer then we think

Now I have been one of the people who thought TNA was nowhere near competing with WWE in anyway. But that's the thing they still aren't but indirectly they are competing. They aren't competing the way WCW did but they are forcing WWE to make the shows a little better. Then again I don't think it's just TNA it's more USA network forcing WWE to get better ratings. But let's look now what TNA is doing right over the last few months and what TNA is doing wrong the last few months like we did yesterday looking at WWE the same way.

TNA Going Right:

  • Shows are a lot less convoluted & are easier to follow
  • World Title means more then it did
  • Knockouts are important
  • Rebranding the X-Division
  • Bringing up new faces like Sabin, Magnus, Manic, & others
  • Making themselves different again by cutting down the ppv's
  • Best Heel in Mainstream Wrestling
  • Not Depend on EX-WWE Stars anymore
  • Impact on the Road
  • Got rid of titles that meant nothing
TNA What is Still going Wrong:

  • Depending on Hulk Hogan & Sting to produce ratings and bring people in
  • Don't market their talents properly
  • No Mainstream Media attention
  • To dependent on ex-WWE stars
  • Keep angles/storylines going to long
  • Lacking Talent Development Knowledge
  • Lacking Talent Relations Knowledge

Hope you enjoyed my cretic of both WWE & TNA feel free to tell me if you agree with it or not.


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