How I Would Book it Background......... WWF 1995

Welcome once again to the most successful Blog Series I have done here by far it is time for another edition of How I would book it. For those of you who have no idea what How I would book it is, well I'll tell you it is a blog series in which I go back in time to a specific era and show how I would have booked it. It is usually an era in Wrestling history that wasn't a good time for specific company like WCCW in the Mid 80's or WCW outside of 96-98 or in this case WWF the mid 90's.

At one point the World Wrestling Federation now known as the WWE was a struggling organization strangely enough it wasn't to long ago that it was the case. To be specific in 1995 WWF has it's worst year of business ever from not booking Diesel as strong World Champion to booking both Bret Hart & Undertaker in feuds with Mid-card talent for the entire year. This year is one of the reasons the WWF almost went of business during this time period. Now it's my turn to step back in time to the Summer of 1995 and try and help Vince right the ship before WCW arrives on TV. Join me as we go back in time once again but for the first time it will be in the WWF. As this we are going back to see How I would have booked WWF 1995 from June-December.

I hope you enjoy it!!!!


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