How I Would Book it Part 10....... TNA 2010

Thursday December 2nd Impact:

Chris Sabin def. Samoa Joe (Non-Title), Magnus def. Rob Van Dam, Brian Kendrick & Scorpio Sky def. Havoc & Marty (Sky pins Marty), Velvet Sky def. Madison Rayne w/ Mystery women whose name find out is Winter, Gunner def. Eric Young, Kazarian w/ Abyss def. Brother Devon w/ Brother Ray, Mickie James video airs, Kurt Angle vs AJ Styles is announced for Final Resolution, Hernandez def. Desmond Wolfe, Bobby Roode vs Rob Terry is announced as Main Event, Backstage: Jeff Jarrett and Mr. Anderson bump into each other and Jeff tells Anderson he can try and push his buttons all he wants but what he doesn’t get is Jeff can mess with him a different way. By giving him special opponent tonight right now. Bobby Lashley def. Mr. Anderson via Count-Out, James Storm def. Kurt Angle, (c) Rosita def. Sarita to retain the Knockouts title, (c) Rob Terry def. Bobby Roode (Post Match: Roode tries to attack Rob Terry but he stops him and knocks him out with a big right hand)
Thursday December 9th Impact:

Magnus def. Desmond Wolfe (Jay Lethal walked out during the match distracting Desmond), Abyss & Kazarian def. Team 3D non-title (Abyss pins Ray), Bobby Roode def. Jeff Hardy (Post Match: James Storm challenges Roode to a match at Final Resolution), Chris Sabin def. Brian Kendrick, Winter def. ODB, Mickie James video find out she will debut at Final Resolution, Petey Williams def. Daniels, Promo for Final Resolution, Backstage: While being interviewed Matt Morgan challenges Sting one more time at Final Resolution he says “Sting I know I can beat you which is why I challenge you to a match at Final Resolution.” Jeff Jarrett tells Anderson if he wants to stay in TNA he will face Bobby Lashley tonight, Lashley comes out to the ring he says he is tired of people thinking he’s scared or really lost to Rob Terry. After I beat Anderson tonight I will beat Rob Terry on Sunday for the World Title and prove I am the strongest man in TNA. Bobby Lashley def. Mr. Anderson (Post Match: Anderson attacks Lashley then whacks him over the head with a Guitar. Down comes his mic I just did that better then Jeff Jarrett)
Saturday December 11th Xplosion:

Rob Van Dam def. Frankie Parks, Magnus def. Matt Joseph, Tara def. Madison Watson, Alex Shelley def. Chris Brutus, Petey Williams & Eric Young def. Mark & Brutus Williams (Eric pins Mark), Daniels def. Jeff Anderson
Sunday December 12th Final Resolution: Orlando, FL

(c) Samoa Joe def. Chris Sabin to retain the X-Division Title, Gunner def. Rhino, Mickie James def. (c) Rosita Non-Title, Jeff Hardy def. Rob Van Dam, (c) Team 3D def. Abyss & Kazarian (Devon pins Kaz) to retain the Tag Team Titles, Hernandez def. Matt Morgan, Winter def. Angelina Love, Video package of Rob Terry’s domination, Jay Lethal def. (c) Desmond Wolfe w/ Chelsea to win the Television Title, Matt Morgan def. Sting, James Storm def Bobby Roode via Count-out, Video Package of how Lashley got to the title match tonight, AJ Styles def. Kurt Angle, (c) Rob Terry def. Bobby Lashley to retain the World Title
Thursday December 16th Impact:

Highlights of Final Resolution, Mickie James def. (c) Rosita to win the Knockouts Title, Petey Williams def. Alex Shelley, Magnus def. Eric Young & Daniels (Magnus pins Young), Jeff Hardy def. Gunner via DQ (Post Match: Gunner attacks Hardy and drops him with a Big Lariat), (c) Jay Lethal def. Desmond Wolfe w/ Chelsea to retain the TV Title, Bobby Roode is in the ring and he calls James Storm out he says “James I will not wrestle you because you’re a waste of my talent. I deserve to be World Champion I am the best wrestler in this company and your nothing but a joke. Storm I want nothing to do with you I want to challenge Rob Terry. James Storm walks out he says “Roode you called me a coward a countless occasions but yet you’re the one who is ducking me you’re the one who doesn’t want to fight me. You may think that you’re the best Wrestler in this company but you’re the only one who thinks that the only people that matter are each and every single one of these people. Bobby you’re a coward and before the end of the year you will fight me I guarantee because I am going to whip your ass. AJ Styles vs Matt Morgan vs James Storm vs Bobby Roode is Main Event, Abyss def. Brother Ray, Mr. Anderson def. Samoa Joe, AJ Styles def. James Storm, Bobby Roode, Matt Morgan (Styles pins Storm)
Thursday December 23rd Impact:

(c) Samoa Joe def. Brian Kendrick to retain X-Division Title, Desmond Wolfe w/ Chelsea def. Special E, Kazarian & Abyss def. (c) Team 3D to win the Tag Team Titles, Rob Terry vs AJ Styles for the World Title is announced for Next Week, Magnus def. Alex Shelley, Matt Morgan def. Hernandez, ODB def. Winter, Sting def. Petey Williams, Daniels def. Gregory Helms, (c) Jay Lethal def. Rob Eckos, Kurt Angle Open Challenge is announced Main Event, Bobby Lashley def. James Storm (Bobby Roode is on commentary), (c) Mickie James def. Sarita, World Title Match Hype, AJ Styles def. Bobby Roode via DQ, Angle Open Challenge: (c) Rob Terry def. Kurt Angle
Thursday December 30th Impact:

Mr. Anderson starts the show calling out Jeff Jarrett he says “Jeff are you going to be a little bitch, are you going to tarnish your career, & tarnish your family but not accepting my challenge. Jeff I’ll give you till the next ppv to accept my challenge Jeff don’t be a little bitch accepts it and fight me.” Kazarian def. Petey Williams, Gunner def. Rob Van Dam, (c) Samoa Joe vs (c) Jay Lethal (No-Contest) Champion vs Champion, Magnus def. Daniels, Rob Terry video package, Brother Devon def. Fredrick Adams, James Storm & Abyss def. Bobby Roode & Rhino (Abyss pins Rhino), Rob Terry vs AJ Styles is hyped as Main Event, Kurt Angle def. Desmond Wolfe, Tara def. Mickie James, TNA World Title Match: AJ Styles def. (c) Rob Terry to win the World Title

I will leave TNA with big feuds going towards the New Year with Jarrett vs Anderson, Roode vs Storm, & I think they could do a lot with Joe as X-Division champion, and they have plenty of new feuds to do with AJ as World Champion. I think I am leaving TNA in a good position to move forward and make 2011 better than 2010 it wouldn’t be that hard though.
Another one done what's next for the How I would book it series stay tuned to find out....


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