How I would book it Part 9....... TNA 2010

Thursday November 4th Impact:

Brian Kendrick def. Kiyoshi, Highlights of Anderson attacking Jeff Jarrett, Magnus def. Kevin McManus, Kazarian def. Brother Devon, Bobby Lashley def. Rhino (Post Match: Lashley says he proved beyond a shadow of a doubt at BFG that he is the strongest man in TNA. However TNA World Champion Rob Terry disagrees just as Rob enters the ring Lashley backs out the other side. Announcers make note of Lashley being scared of Big Rob. Daniels def. Eric Young, Madison Rayne w/ Mystery Women def. Velvet Sky (Post Match: Madison goes to hit Velvet with a chair but Angelina runs in to make the save), Jeff Jarrett is being interviewed he says “Anderson you’re lucky I am not firing your ass because if you didn’t I am retired. But if you wanted to use me as a way to make an impact good you do it. Now wrestle active wrestlers not me. Jay Lethal def. (c) Desmond Wolfe w/ Chelsea, Robert Roode def. Shane Burns (Post Match: Roode grabs a mic and starts bashing Storm (whose not here tonight) saying he has always been better then Storm and is sick of carrying him), Sting def. Kurt Angle via DQ (Angle tried using a weapon but was caught: Post Match- Angle attacks Sting but then AJ Styles runs in to make the save sending Angle off)
Thursday November 11th Impact:

Petey Williams def. Gregory Helms, Highlights Bobby Roode’s explanation to why he attacked Storm, Mr. Anderson def Mikhail Judas (Post Match: Anderson grabs a mic and comments on Jarrett’s promo from last week he says “Jeff you were going to fire me really. Since you retired have you lost your balls because the old Jeff Jarrett wouldn’t have taken an attack lying down Jeff? You need to come out of retirement so I can show these people I am as great as I say I am after I beat a TNA legend I will become one. Madison Rayne & Mystery Women def. Angelina Love & Velvet Sky via DQ, Matt Morgan def. Aj Styles, Jay Lethal vs (c) Desmond Wolfe w/ Chelsea (Match never happens Wolfe attacks Lethal before the match starts and drops him with the Tower of London on the floor), Abyss & Kazarian def. Daniels & Samoa Joe (Abyss pins Daniels), Robert Roode is being interviewed he once again bashes James Storm saying Storm has always been a coward & that for all the time we were a team I carried Storm. Now I am sick of it it’s about time I step up and show that I am the best wrestler in the World. Sting def. Kurt Angle (Angle attacks Sting and drops him with the Angle Slam then proceeds to put him in the Ankle Lock until AJ Styles made the save)
Thursday November 18th Impact:

Magnus def. Chris Sabin, Bobby Lashley def. Alfred Adams (Post Match: Ever since I faced off with Rob Terry in the ring people have said I am scared of Rob Terry. I am not afraid of anyone so Big Rob I challenge you to a match tonight. Promo for Turning Point, RVD def. Special E, Robert Roode def. Rich Williams (Post Match: James Storm shows up on stage and tries to attack Bobby Roode but Roode runs away), Abyss & Kazarian def. Eric Young & Petey Williams (Kaz pins Petey), Mystery Women def. Angelina Love, (c) Desmond Wolfe w/ Chelsea def. Jeff Hardy to retain the TV Title, Samoa Joe def. (c) Alex Shelley to win X-Division title, ODB def. Tara, Brother Ray def. Rhino, Scorpio Sky def. Brian Kendrick, Bobby Lashley vs Rob Terry announced as Main Event, AJ Styles def. Matt Morgan, (c) Rob Terry def. Bobby Lashley via Count-Out
Saturday November 20th Xplosion:

Chris Sabin def. Jack Allen, Hernandez def. Phil Evans & Chris Collin, Eric Young & Petey Williams def. Brutus Smith & Dave Duncan (EY pins Brutus), Sarita def. Robin James, Magnus def. Matt Wolfe
Sunday November 21st Turning Point: Orlando, FL

X-Division Title Match: (c) Samoa Joe def. Alex Shelley to retain the X-Division Title, Angelina Love & Velvet Sky def. Madison Rayne & Mystery Women (Sky pins Rayne), #1 Contender to the X-Division title match: Chris Sabin def. Scorpio Sky & Brian Kendrick (Sabin pins Kendrick), Abyss & Kazarian vs (c) Team 3D ends in a No-Contest, James Storm def. (c) Desmond Wolfe w/ Chelsea, Mr. Anderson walks out grabs a mic he says “Jeff I gave you a week to decide be a man and fight me our maybe you don’t want to embarrass yourself or your family. I get it now it has nothing to do with your retirement it has everything to do with your pride you don’t want to embarrass yourself. Ok Jeff I get it now but I will give you another week accept my challenge you coward.” Kurt Angle vs AJ Styles (Draw), Video comes up on the entrance announcing Mickie James signing with TNA, TNA World Title Match: (c) Rob Terry def. Bobby Lashley to retain the World Title
Thursday November 25th Impact:

Highlights of Turning Point, (c) Team 3D def. Abyss & Kazarian (Ray pins Kaz), Mickie James video airs again, Sarita def. ODB to become #1 contender for Knockouts Title, Hernandez def. Wally Austin,  Brian Kendrick def. Shark Boy, James Storm def. Magnus (Post Match: Storm grabs a mic and says “Certain people in this company have a big mouth and it shocking when you think you know someone and they turn out to be a yellow belly coward and Roode that’s exactly what you are. You said you were carrying me bull crap this team was a full partnership but I don’t care about the team. I care about the fact you took pride in putting me on the self nobody tries to take the way I make a living for me. Bobby Roode all I got to say is Sorry about your Damn Luck!!!!” (c) Samoa Joe def. Amazing Red, Desmond Wolfe def. Rhino, Rob Terry, Sting, Aj Styles vs Kurt Angle, Matt Morgan & Daniels is announced as Main Event, (c) Rosita def. Velvet Sky, (c) Rob Terry, Sting, & AJ Styles def. Kurt Angle, Matt Morgan, & Daniels (Styles pins Morgan)

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